
Mishards: Cluster Sharding Middleware

What is Mishards

Mishards is a Milvus cluster sharding middleware developed in Python. It handles request forwarding, read-write separation, horizontal and dynamic scaling, providing you with additional capabilities in terms of expanded memory and computing power.

How Mishards works

Mishards cascades a request from upstream down to its sub-modules splitting the upstream request, and then collects and returns the results of the sub-services to upstream.


Target scenarios

Scenarios Concurrency Latency Data scale Suitable for Mishards
1 Low Low Medium / Small No
2 High Low Medium / Small No
3 Low High Large Yes
4 Low Low Large Yes
5 High Low Large Yes

Mishards is suitable for scenarios with large data scale. So how to judge the size of the data scale? There is no standard answer to this question because it depends on the hardware resources used in the actual production environment. Here is a simple way to determine the size of the data scale:

  1. If you do not care about latency, you can assume that a scenario has a large data scale when its data size is larger than the available capacity of the hard disk on a single server. For example, the calculation time of the server to batch process 5000 query requests is greater than the time to load data from the hard disk to the memory, so the available hard disk is the criteria for determining the data scale.

  2. Otherwise, you can assume that a scenario has a large data scale when its data size is larger than the available memory on a single server.

Mishards-based cluster solution

Overall architecture


Main components

  • Service discovery: Obtains the service addresses of the read and write nodes.
  • Load balancer
  • Mishards node: A stateless and scalable node.
  • Milvus write node: An unscalable node. To avoid failure at a single node, you need to deploy a high availability strategy.
  • Milvus read node: A stateful and scalable node.
  • Shared storage service: Milvus read and write nodes share data through the shared storage service. Available options include NAS and NFS.
  • Metadata service: Milvus supports only MySQL in the production environment.

Mishards configurations

Global configurations

Parameter Required Type Default Description
Debug No Boolean True Whether to enable the debug mode. Debug mode only affects the log level for now.
  • True: Enable debug mode.
  • False: Disable debug mode.
TIMEZONE No String UTC The time zone.
SERVER_PORT No Integer 19530 Defines the service port of Mishards.
WOSERVER Yes String The address of Milvus write node. Format: tcp://


Metadata records the structure information of the underlying data. In a distributed system, Milvus write nodes are the only producers of metadata; Mishards nodes, Milvus write nodes, and Milvus read nodes are consumers of Metadata.

Milvus only supports MySQL or SQLite as its Metadata backend for now. In a distributed system, the storage backend for metadata can only be MySQL.
Parameter Required Type Default Description
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI Yes String Defines the address of the metadata storage database. The format conforms to the RFC-738-style, for example, mysql+pymysql://root:root@
SQL_ECHO No Boolean False Whether to print detailed SQL queries.
  • True: Prints detailed SQL queries.
  • False: Does not print detailed SQL queries.

Service discovery

Service discovery provides Mishards with the address information of all Milvus read and write nodes. Mishards defines the relevant service discovery API IServiceRegistryProvider, and provides extensions in extension mode. Milvus provides two extensions by default: KubernetesProvider corresponds to Kubernetes cluster; StaticProvider corresponds to static configuration. You can customize your own service discovery extension based on these two extensions.


Parameter Required Type Default Description
DISCOVERY_STATIC_HOSTS No List [] When DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME is static, defines the service address list. The addresses in the list are separated by comma, for example,,
DISCOVERY_STATIC_PORT No Integer 19530 When DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME is static, defines the service address listening port.
DISCOVERY_PLUGIN_PATH No String The search path to the customized service discovery extension (uses the system search path by default).
DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME No String static In the extension search path, searches for the class based on its name and instantiates it. At present, the system provides two classes: static (default) and kubernetes.
DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE No String When DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME is kubernetes, defines the namespace of the Milvus cluster.
DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_IN_CLUSTER No Boolean False When DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME is kubernetes, decides whether to run service discovery in the cluster.
DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_POLL_INTERVAL No Integer 5 When DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME is kubernetes, defines the monitoring period of the service discovery (unit: seconds).
DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_POD_PATT No String When DISCOVERY_CLASS_NAME is kubernetes, matches the regular expression to the name of Milvus Pod.
DISCOVERY_KUBERNETES_LABEL_SELECTOR No String When SD_PROVIDER is kubernetes, matches the label of Milvus Pod, for example, tier=ro-servers.

Chain tracking

A distributed systems often distributes requests to multiple internal services. To facilitate troubleshooting, we need to track the call chains of internal services. The higher the complexity of the system, the more obvious the benefits of a viable chain tracking system. We choose OpenTracing, which is a distributed tracing standard that has entered CNCF. It provides APIs independent of the platform or vendor to facilitate implementation of a chain tracking system.

Mishards defines the chain tracking APIs and provides extensions in extension mode. It provides Jaeger-based extensions for now.

See Jaeger Doc to learn how to integrate Jaeger.
Parameter Required Type Default Description
TRACER_PLUGIN_PATH No String The search path to the custom chain tracking extension (uses the system search path by default).
TRACER_CLASS_NAME No String In the extension search path, searches for the class based on its name and instantiates it. Currently, only Jaeger is supported, but it is not used by default.
TRACING_SERVICE_NAME No String mishards When TRACING_CLASS_NAME is Jaeger, specifies the chain tracking service.
TRACING_SAMPLER_TYPE No String const When TRACING_CLASS_NAME is Jaeger, specifies the sampling type for chain tracking.
TRACING_SAMPLER_PARAM No Integer 1 When TRACING_CLASS_NAME is Jaeger, specifies the sampling frequency for chain tracking.
TRACING_LOG_PAYLOAD No Boolean False When TRACING_CLASS_NAME is Jaeger, decides whether to capture the payload for the chain tracking.


The log files of the cluster service are distributed on different nodes, so you need to log in to the relevant server to obtain log files for troubleshooting. It is recommended that you use ELK log analysis component to collaboratively analyze multiple log files and troubleshoot problems.

Parameter Required Type Default Description
LOG_PATH No String /tmp/mishards Path to log files.
LOG_NAME No String logfile Name of log files.


Mishards obtains the addresses of Milvus read and write nodes from the service discovery center and obtains the underlying Metadata information through the Metadata service. Its routing strategy is to consume these materials. As shown in the figure, there are 10 data segments (s1, s2, s3, …, s10). We select a consistent hash routing strategy based on the name of data segments (FileNameHashRingBased). Mishards routes requests about s1, s4, s6, and s9 to the Milvus 1 node, routes requests about s2, s3, and s5 to the Milvus 2 node, and routes requests about s7, s8, and s10 to the Milvus 3 node.

Mishards defines APIs related to routing strategies and provides relevant extensions. You can customize your routes according to your business scenario and based on the default consistent hash routing extension.


Parameter Required Type Default Description
ROUTER_CLASS_NAME No String FileBasedHashRingRouter In the extension search path, searches for the routed class based on the class name and instantiates it. Currently, the system only provides a consistent hash routing strategy FileBasedHashRingRouter based on the data segment name.
ROUTER_PLUGIN_PATH No String The search path to the custom routing extensions (uses the system search path by default).

Mishards examples

Start Mishards


  • Milvus properly installed
  • Python 3.6 or higher

Start a Milvus and Mishards instance

Follow these steps to start a Milvus instance and Mishards service on a machine:

  1. Clone the Milvus repository to your local machine:

    $ git clone -b 1.0
  2. Install dependencies for Mishards:

    $ cd milvus/shards
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Start the Milvus service:

    • If your Docker version is earlier than v19.03:
    $ sudo docker  run --runtime=nvidia --rm -d -p 19530:19530 -v /tmp/milvus/db:/var/lib/milvus/db milvusdb/milvus:1.0.0-gpu-d030521-1ea92e
    • Otherwise:
    $ sudo docker run --gpus all --rm -d -p 19530:19530 -v /tmp/milvus/db:/var/lib/milvus/db milvusdb/milvus:1.0.0-gpu-d030521-1ea92e
  4. Change the directory permission:

    $ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /tmp/milvus
  5. Configure the environment variable for Mishards:

    $ cp mishards/.env.example mishards/.env
  6. Start the Mishards service:

    $ python mishards/

Start Mishards with docker-compose

all_in_one uses a Docker container to start 2 Milvus instances, 1 Mishards middleware instance, and 1 Jaeger chain tracking instance.

  1. Install Docker Compose.

  2. Clone the Milvus repository to the local machine:

    $ git clone -b 1.0
    $ cd milvus/shards
  3. Start all services:

    $ make deploy
  4. Check the service status:

    $ make probe_deploy
    Pass ==> Pass: Connected
    Fail ==> Error: Fail connecting to server on Timeout

To view the service chain, open Jaeger Page in your browser.



To clean up all services:

$ make clean_deploy

Deploy Mishards cluster in Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes 1.10 or later
  • Helm 2.12.0 or later
See Helm Docs for more information about using Helm.

Install Mishards

  1. Add the Helm Chart repository:

    $ helm repo add stable
  2. Install dependent libraries for Chart:

    $ git clone
    $ cd milvus-helm/charts/milvus
    $ helm dep update
  3. Deploy Mishards:

    $ helm install --set cluster.enabled=true --set persistence.enabled=true milvus-release  .
  4. Check the deployment status:

    $ helm list -f "milvus-release"

Uninstall Mishards

  • Use Helm v2.x to uninstall Mishards:

    $ helm delete milvus-release
  • Use Helm v3.x to uninstall Mishards:

    $ helm uninstall milvus-release

Upgrade from standalone service to Mishards cluster

Milvus-Helm supports upgrading from standalone service to Mishards cluster.

  1. Deploy a standalone version of Milvus:

    $ helm install --set persistence.enabled=true milvus-release .
  2. Upgrade to Mishards cluster:

    $ helm upgrade --set cluster.enabled=true --set persistence.enabled=true milvus-release .


Mishards is based on shared storage, so the Kubernetes cluster must have available Persistent Volumes (PV). Also, ensure that the PV can be used by multiple pods at the same time. You can enable Persistent Volumes by setting persistence.enabled.

  1. In order to share data, the PV access mode must be set to ReadOnlyMany or ReadWriteMany.
  2. Choose a file storage system:
  • See Persistent Volumes for more information about applying for and managing Persistent Volume.
  • See Access Modes for more information about the access modes of Persistent Volume.


You can find all parameters supported by Milvus-Helm at Milvus Helm Charts.

  1. Configure a cluster with multiple read nodes and multiple Mishards sharding middleware.

    Usually, we configure multiple nodes to ensure service availability and increase throughput rate. In the following example, the Mishards cluster includes 2 sharding middleware, 2 read nodes, and 1 write node.

    $ helm install
       --set cluster.enabled=true     \
       --set persistence.enabled=true \
       --set mishards.replica=2       \
       --set readonly.replica=2       \
       milvus-release .

    Here, the number of replica sets is controlled by mishards.replica and readonly.replica. Their default values are 1.

    Currently, the write nodes in the Mishards cluster cannot be expanded.
  2. Use an externally configured MySQL cluster as the Metadata database.

    Sometimes the support for external MySQL is needed to cooperate with local deployment. Although Milvus-Helm's internal MySQL service does not guarantee high availability, you can increase availability through an external MySQL cluster. The following example shows the deployment based on external MySQL.

    $ helm install
       --set cluster.enabled=true             \
       --set persistence.enabled=true         \
       --set mysql.enabled=false              \
       --set externalMysql.enabled=true       \
       --set externalMysql.ip=192.168.1.xx    \
       --set externalMysql.port=3306          \
       --set externalMysql.user=root          \
       --set externalMysql.password=root      \
       --set externalMysql.database=milvus    \
       milvus-release .

    When using external MySQL, you do not need the built-in MySQL service of Helm. Therefore, you can disable the built-in MySQL service of Helm by setting mysql.enabled=false.

  3. The read and write nodes of Milvus have different configurations.

    To reasonably use resources, we hope that the read nodes and the write nodes have different configurations. In the following example, we configure a read node with 16 GB memory and a write node with 8 GB memory.

    $ helm install
       --set cluster.enabled=true                     \
       --set persistence.enabled=true                 \
       --set cache.cpuCacheCapacity=8                 \
       --set readonly.cache.cpuCacheCapacity=16       \
       milvus-release .
  4. Configure the GPU resources.

    The use of GPU can effectively improve Milvus performance. In the following example, we allow write nodes to use GPU resources by setting gpu.enabled=true and prevent the read nodes from using GPU resources by setting readonly.gpu.enabled=false.

    $ helm install
       --set cluster.enabled=true             \
       --set persistence.enabled=true         \
       --set gpu.enabled=true                 \
       --set readonly.gpu.enabled=false       \
       milvus-release .
    See Schedule GPUs for GPU resource management and scheduling in Kubernetes.
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