Run Milvus with Docker Compose (Linux)
This page illustrates how to launch a Milvus instance in Docker using Docker Compose.
- Install Docker.
- Check the requirements for hardware and software prior to your installation.
Install Milvus
Milvus provides a Docker Compose configuration file in the Milvus repository. To install Milvus using Docker Compose, just run
# Download the configuration file
$ wget -O docker-compose.yml
# Start Milvus
$ sudo docker compose up -d
Creating milvus-etcd ... done
Creating milvus-minio ... done
Creating milvus-standalone ... done
If you failed to run the above command, please check whether your system has Docker Compose V1 installed. If this is the case, you are advised to migrate to Docker Compose V2 due to the notes on this page.
If you encounter any issues pulling the image, contact us at with details about the problem, and we’ll provide you with the necessary support.
After starting up Milvus,
- Containers named milvus-standalone, milvus-minio, and milvus-etcd are up.
- The milvus-etcd container does not expose any ports to the host and maps its data to volumes/etcd in the current folder.
- The milvus-minio container serves ports 9090 and 9091 locally with the default authentication credentials and maps its data to volumes/minio in the current folder.
- The milvus-standalone container serves ports 19530 locally with the default settings and maps its data to volumes/milvus in the current folder.
You can check if the containers are up and running using the following command:
$ sudo docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
milvus-etcd etcd -advertise-client-url ... Up 2379/tcp, 2380/tcp
milvus-minio /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint ... Up (healthy) 9000/tcp
milvus-standalone /tini -- milvus run standalone Up>19530/tcp,>9091/tcp
You can also access Milvus WebUI at
to learn more about the your Milvus instance. For details, refer to Milvus WebUI.
Stop and delete Milvus
You can stop and delete this container as follows
# Stop Milvus
$ sudo docker compose down
# Delete service data
$ sudo rm -rf volumes
What’s next
Having installed Milvus in Docker, you can:
Check Quickstart to see what Milvus can do.
Learn the basic operations of Milvus:
Deploy your Milvus cluster on clouds:
Explore Milvus WebUI, an intuitive web interface for Milvus observability and management.
Explore Milvus Backup, an open-source tool for Milvus data backups.
Explore Birdwatcher, an open-source tool for debugging Milvus and dynamic configuration updates.
Explore Attu, an open-source GUI tool for intuitive Milvus management.