  • Administration Guide
    • Deployment

Deploy a Milvus Cluster on GKE

Milvus is a cloud-native vector database and can be deployed on various cloud environments. This guide walks you through every detail about setting up Milvus on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Deploy a Milvus cluster on GCP Deploy a Milvus cluster on GCP

Before you start

To deploy Milvus on GCP, ensure that

Set up the network

To ensure Milvus security, you need to create a logically isolated virtual network in your GCP project. The following command creates a VPC.

gcloud compute networks create milvus-network \
    --project=milvus-testing-nonprod \
    --subnet-mode=auto \
    --mtu=1460 \

To facilitate your work, you also need to set up several firewall rules to allow external traffic over ICMP, RDP, and SSH as well as the traffic within the VPC.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create milvus-network-allow-icmp \
    --project=milvus-testing-nonprod \
    --network=projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/global/networks/milvus-network \
    --description="Allows ICMP connections from any source to any instance on the network." \
    --direction=INGRESS \
    --priority=65534 \
    --source-ranges= \
    --action=ALLOW \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create milvus-network-allow-internal \
    --project=milvus-testing-nonprod \
    --network=projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/global/networks/milvus-network \
    --description="Allows connections from any source in the network IP range to any instance on the network using all protocols." \
    --direction=INGRESS \
    --priority=65534 \
    --source-ranges= \
    --action=ALLOW --rules=all

gcloud compute firewall-rules create milvus-network-allow-rdp \
    --project=milvus-testing-nonprod \
    --network=projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/global/networks/milvus-network \
    --description="Allows RDP connections from any source to any instance on the network using port 3389." \
    --direction=INGRESS \
    --priority=65534 \
    --source-ranges= \
    --action=ALLOW \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create milvus-network-allow-ssh \
    --project=milvus-testing-nonprod \
    --network=projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/global/networks/milvus-network \
    --description="Allows TCP connections from any source to any instance on the network using port 22." \
    --direction=INGRESS \
    --priority=65534 \
    --source-ranges= \
    --action=ALLOW \

Finally, you need to allow the incoming traffic to the Milvus instance we will create later at port 19530.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-milvus-in \
    --project=milvus-testing-nonprod  \
    --description="Allow ingress traffic for Milvus on port 19530" \
    --direction=INGRESS \
    --priority=1000 \
    --network=projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/global/networks/milvus-network \
    --action=ALLOW \
    --rules=tcp:19530 \

Provision a Kubernetes cluster

In this guide, we will use the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) service to provision a Kubernetes cluster with two nodes in the us-west1-a zone. Each node is an e2-standard-4 Compute Engine virtual machine running the COS_CONTAINERD image.

You are advised to use the types of machines that offer a minimum memory of 16 GB to ensure service stability.

gcloud container clusters create "milvus-cluster-1" \
    --project "milvus-testing-nonprod" \
    --zone "us-west1-a" \
    --workload-pool "" \
    --no-enable-basic-auth \
    --cluster-version "1.28.10-gke.1075001" \
    --release-channel "regular" \
    --machine-type "c2-standard-4" \
    --image-type "COS_CONTAINERD" \
    --disk-type "pd-standard" \
    --disk-size "100" \
    --max-pods-per-node "110" \
    --num-nodes "3" \
    --enable-ip-alias \
    --network "projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/global/networks/milvus-network" \
    --subnetwork "projects/milvus-testing-nonprod/regions/us-west1/subnetworks/milvus-network"

It would take a couple of minutes for the Kubernetes cluster to go up. Once the cluster is ready, use the following command to fetch its credentials so that you can run kubectl commands in your terminal to communicate with the cluster remotely.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials milvus-cluster-1 --zone "us-west1-a"

Use Google Cloud Storage (GCS) as external object storage

  • Create bucket.
gcloud storage buckets create gs://milvus-testing-nonprod --project=milvus-testing-nonprod --default-storage-class=STANDARD --location=us-west1 --uniform-bucket-level-access
  • Generate User Access Key and Secret Key, you should go to your project’s storage page. In the left sidebar of the dashboard, click Google Cloud Storage and then Settings. Select the INTEROPERABILITY tab. If you haven’t enabled it already, click on Interoperable Access. Then click CREATE A KEY button to create.

GCP Access keys for your user account GCP Access keys for your user account

  • Add values.yaml
    enabled: true

    type: LoadBalancer

    enabled: false

    enabled: true
    port: 443
    rootPath: milvus/my-release
    bucketName: milvus-testing-nonprod
    cloudProvider: gcp
    useSSL: true
    accessKey: "<access-key>"
    secretKey: "<secret-key>"

Deploy Milvus

Now the Kubernetes cluster is ready. Let’s deploy Milvus right now.

helm repo add milvus
helm repo update
helm install -f values.yaml my-release milvus/milvus

In the preceding commands, we add the repo of Milvus Helm charts locally and update the repo to fetch the latest charts. Then we install a Milvus instance and name it my-release.

Notice the config service.type value, which indicates that we would like to expose the Milvus instance through a Layer-4 load balancer.

If you would like to expose your Milvus instance through a Layer-7 load balancer, read this.

Verify the deployment

Once all pods are running, run the following command to get the external IP address.

kubectl get services|grep my-release-milvus|grep LoadBalancer|awk '{print $4}'

Hello Milvus

Please refer to Hello Milvus, change the host value to the external IP address, then run the code.

What’s next

If you want to learn how to deploy Milvus on other clouds:

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