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  • Java


A MilvusClient interface. This method queries entity(s) based on scalar field(s) filtered by boolean expression.

The order of the returned entities cannot be guaranteed.
R<QueryResults> query(QueryParam requestParam);


Use the QueryParam.Builder to construct a QueryParam object.

import io.milvus.param.QueryParam;
QueryParam.Builder builder = QueryParam.newBuilder();

Methods of QueryParam.Builder:

withCollectionName(collectionName)Sets the collection name. The collection name cannot be empty or null.collectionName: The name of the collection to query.
withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevelEnum consistencyLevel)Sets the consistency level used in the query. If the consistency level is not specified, the default level is ConsistencyLevelEnum.BOUNDED.consistencyLevel: The consistency level used in the query.
withPartitionNames(List<String> partitionNames)Sets a partition name list to specify query scope (Optional).partitionNames: The name list of the partitions to query.
addPartitionName(String partitionName)Adds a partition to specify query scope (Optional).partitionName: The name of the partition to query.
withTravelTimestamp(Long ts)Specifies an absolute timestamp in a query to get results based on a data view at a specified point in time (Optional). The default value is 0, with which the server executes the query on a full data view. For more information please refer to Search with Time Travel.ts: An absolute timestamp value.
withOutFields(List<String> outFields)Specifies the output scalar fields (Optional). If the output fields are specified, the QueryResults returned by query() will contains the values of these fields.outFields: The name list of output fields.
addOutField(String fieldName)Specifies an output scalar field (Optional).fieldName: The name of an output field .
withExpr(String expr)Sets the expression to query entities. For more information please refer to Boolean Expression Rules.expr: The boolean expression used in the query.
build()Constructs a QueryParam object.N/A

The QueryParam.Builder.build() can throw the following exceptions:

  • ParamException: error if the parameter is invalid.


This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<QueryResults> object.

  • If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.

  • If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns R.Status.Unknow and the error message of the exception.

  • If the API succeeds, it returns valid QueryResults held by the R template. You can use QueryResultsWrapper to get the query results.


A tool class to encapsulate the QueryResults.

import io.milvus.response.QueryResultsWrapper;
QueryResultsWrapper wrapper = new QueryResultsWrapper(queryResults);

Methods of QueryResultsWrapper:

getFieldWrapper(String fieldName)Returns a FieldDataWrapper object by a field name. ParamException is thrown if the field does not exist.fieldName: a field name which is specified by the withOutFields() of QueryParam.FieldDataWrapper


A tool class to encapsulate field data returned by query() API.

Methods of FieldDataWrapper:

isVectorField()Indicated whether this field is a vector field or a scalar field.Boolean
getDim()Gets the dimension value if the field is a vector field. IllegalResponseException is thrown if the field is not a vector field.int
getRowCount()Gets the row count of a field. IllegalResponseException is thrown if the field data is illegal.long
getFieldData()Returns the field data according to field type.
  • Returns List<List<Float>> for float vector field.
  • Returns List<ByteBuffer> for binary vector field.
  • Returns List<Long> for int64 field.
  • Returns List<Integer> for int32/int16/int8 field.
  • Returns List<Boolean> for boolean field.
  • Returns List<Float> for float field.
  • Returns List<Double> for double field.
  • Returns List<String> for VARCHAR field.
  • Example

    import io.milvus.param.*;
    import io.milvus.response.QueryResultsWrapper;
    import io.milvus.response.FieldDataWrapper;
    import io.milvus.grpc.QueryResults;
    QueryParam param = QueryParam.newBuilder()
            .withExpr("id in [100, 101]")
    R<QueryResults> response = client.query(param)
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
    QueryResultsWrapper wrapper = new QueryResultsWrapper(response.getData());
    FieldDataWrapper fieldData = queryResultsWrapper.getFieldWrapper("field1");
    System.out.println("Field " + fieldName + " row count: " + fieldData.getRowCount());

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