This topic describes how to load the collection to memory before a search or a query. All search and query operations within Milvus are executed in memory.
In current release, volume of the data to load must be under 90% of the total memory resources of all query nodes to reserve memory resources for execution engine.
Switch to control sync/async behavior. The deadline of context is not applied in sync load.
Name of the collection to load.
Name of the collection to load.
-p (Optional/Multiple)
The name of the partition to load.
Error will be returned at the attempt to load partition(s) when the parent collection is already loaded. Future releases will support releasing partitions from a loaded collection, and (if needed) then loading some other partition(s).
“Load successfully” will be returned at the attempt to load the collection that is already loaded.
Error will be returned at the attempt to load the collection when the child partition(s) is/are already loaded. Future releases will support loading the collection when some of its partitions are already loaded.
Loading different partitions in a same collection via separate RPCs is not allowed.