Related configuration of proxy, used to validate client requests and reduce the returned results.
Description |
Default Value |
The interval at which proxy synchronizes the time tick, unit: ms. |
200 |
Description |
Default Value |
ms, the interval that to do component healthy check |
3000 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum number of messages can be buffered in the timeTick message stream of the proxy when producing messages. |
512 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum length of the name or alias that can be created in Milvus, including the collection name, collection alias, partition name, and field name. |
255 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum number of field can be created when creating in a collection. It is strongly DISCOURAGED to set maxFieldNum >= 64. |
64 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum number of vector fields that can be specified in a collection. Value range: [1, 10]. |
4 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum number of shards can be created when creating in a collection. |
16 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum number of dimensions of a vector can have when creating in a collection. |
32768 |
Description |
Default Value |
Whether to produce gin logs.\n
please adjust in embedded Milvus: false |
true |
Description |
Default Value |
skip url path for gin log |
/ |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum number of tasks in the task queue of the proxy. |
1024 |
Description |
Default Value |
switch for whether proxy must use partition key for the collection |
false |
Description |
Default Value |
Whether to enable the access log feature. |
false |
Description |
Default Value |
Whether to upload local access log files to MinIO. This parameter can be specified when proxy.accessLog.filename is not empty. |
false |
Description |
Default Value |
The local folder path where the access log file is stored. This parameter can be specified when proxy.accessLog.filename is not empty. |
/tmp/milvus_access |
Description |
Default Value |
The name of the access log file. If you leave this parameter empty, access logs will be printed to stdout. |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum size allowed for a single access log file. If the log file size reaches this limit, a rotation process will be triggered. This process seals the current access log file, creates a new log file, and clears the contents of the original log file. Unit: MB. |
64 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum time interval allowed for rotating a single access log file. Upon reaching the specified time interval, a rotation process is triggered, resulting in the creation of a new access log file and sealing of the previous one. Unit: seconds |
0 |
Description |
Default Value |
The path of the object storage for uploading access log files. |
access_log/ |
Description |
Default Value |
The time interval allowed for uploading access log files. If the upload time of a log file exceeds this interval, the file will be deleted. Setting the value to 0 disables this feature. |
0 |
Description |
Default Value |
Size of log of write cache, in byte. (Close write cache if size was 0) |
0 |
Description |
Default Value |
time interval of auto flush write cache, in seconds. (Close auto flush if interval was 0) |
3 |
Description |
Default Value |
the interval time(in seconds) for connection manager to scan inactive client info |
120 |
Description |
Default Value |
inactive client info TTL duration, in seconds |
86400 |
Description |
Default Value |
the max client info numbers that proxy should manage, avoid too many client infos |
10000 |
Description |
Default Value |
seconds. force stop node without graceful stop |
30 |
Description |
Default Value |
query whose executed time exceeds the `slowQuerySpanInSeconds` can be considered slow, in seconds. |
5 |
Description |
Default Value |
the size for shardleader(querynode) client pool |
10 |
Description |
Default Value |
Whether to enable the http server |
true |
Description |
Default Value |
Whether to enable http server debug mode |
false |
Description |
Default Value |
high-level restful api |
Description |
Default Value |
high-level restful api, whether http client can deal with int64 |
true |
Description |
Default Value |
Whether to enable pprof middleware on the metrics port |
true |
Description |
Default Value |
TCP/IP address of proxy. If not specified, use the first unicastable address |
Description |
Default Value |
TCP port of proxy |
19530 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum size of each RPC request that the proxy can send, unit: byte |
268435456 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum size of each RPC request that the proxy can receive, unit: byte |
67108864 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum size of each RPC request that the clients on proxy can send, unit: byte |
268435456 |
Description |
Default Value |
The maximum size of each RPC request that the clients on proxy can receive, unit: byte |
67108864 |