如何使用 Milvus 備份工具:逐步指南
Milvus是一個開放原始碼、高效能且高度可擴充的向量 資料 庫,可透過高維向量嵌入來儲存、索引及搜尋十億規模的非結構化資料。它非常適合建立現代人工智能應用程式,例如檢索擴增生成(RAG)、語義搜尋、多模態搜尋和推薦系統。Milvus 可在從筆記型電腦到大型分散式系統等各種環境中高效運行。它可以開放原始碼軟體和雲端服務的方式提供。
Milvus Backup是用於備份和還原 Milvus 資料的工具。它提供 CLI 和 API 兩種方式來滿足不同的應用情境。本指南將帶領您完成使用 Milvus Backup 的過程,確保您能自信地處理您的備份需求。
1.從 Milvus-backup 套件庫版本中下載最新的二進位版本。針對您的作業系統選擇適當的版本:
適用於 macOS:
對於 Linux:
3.解壓縮 tar 檔案到您偏好的目錄,並將backup.yaml
├── configs
│ └── backup.yaml
├── milvus-backup
└── README.md
1.一般說明:輸入milvus-backup help
milvus-backup is a backup&restore tool for milvus.
milvus-backup [flags]
milvus-backup [command]
Available Commands:
check check if the connects is right.
create create subcommand create a backup.
delete delete subcommand delete backup by name.
get get subcommand get backup by name.
help Help about any command
list list subcommand shows all backup in the cluster.
restore restore subcommand restore a backup.
server server subcommand start milvus-backup RESTAPI server.
--config string config YAML file of milvus (default "backup.yaml")
-h, --help help for milvus-backup
Use "milvus-backup [command] --help" for more information about a command.
2.建立備份:輸入milvus-backup create --help
milvus-backup create [flags]
-n, --name string backup name, if unset will generate a name automatically
-c, --colls string collectionNames to backup, use ',' to connect multiple collections
-d, --databases string databases to backup
-a, --database_collections string databases and collections to backup, json format: {"db1":["c1", "c2"],"db2":[]}
-f, --force force backup, will skip flush, should make sure data has been stored into disk when using it
--meta_only only backup collection meta instead of data
-h, --help help for create
3.還原備份:要瞭解如何還原備份,請使用milvus-backup restore --help
milvus-backup restore [flags]
-n, --name string backup name to restore
-c, --collections string collectionNames to restore
-s, --suffix string add a suffix to collection name to restore
-r, --rename string rename collections to new names, format: db1.collection1:db2.collection1_new,db1.collection2:db2.collection2_new
-d, --databases string databases to restore, if not set, restore all databases
-a, --database_collections string databases and collections to restore, json format: {"db1":["c1", "c2"],"db2":[]}
--meta_only if true, restore meta only
--restore_index if true, restore index
--use_auto_index if true, replace vector index with autoindex
--drop_exist_collection if true, drop existing target collection before create
--drop_exist_index if true, drop existing index of target collection before create
--skip_create_collection if true, will skip collection, use when collection exist, restore index or data
-h, --help help for restore
根據您的具體需求和配置,milvus-backup 工具可以有效地應用於幾種使用情況:
在單一 Milvus Instance 內:在相同的 Milvus 服務中,複製集合到新的集合。
在單一 S3 與單一儲存桶的 Milvus Instances 之間:在具有不同根路徑但使用相同 S3 儲存桶的 Milvus Instances 之間傳輸集合。
跨不同 S3 儲存桶的 Milvus Instances 之間:在相同 S3 服務的不同 S3 儲存桶之間傳輸集合。
跨不同 S3 服務:在使用不同 S3 服務的 Milvus 實體之間複製集合。
使用個案 1:在一個 Milvus Instance 內備份和還原
在同一個 Milvus 實例中備份和還原一個資料集。假設使用相同的 S3 資料桶備份一個名為「coll」的資料集,並將其還原為「coll_bak」。
進行儲存。MinIO 配置:
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
,將 Milvus 和 MinIO 指向正確的位置。
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup
./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak
這會在同一個 Milvus 實例中,將 "coll「 還原為 」coll_bak"。
圖:在一個 Milvus 實例中的備份和還原工作流程
圖:在一個 Milvus 實例中備份和還原工作流程
用例 2:在共用一個 S3 Bucket 的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間備份和還原
從一個 Milvus 實例備份一個資料集,並使用相同的 S3 資料桶還原到另一個資料集,但使用不同的根路徑。假設在 milvus_A 中有一個名為「coll」的集合,我們將它備份並還原到一個名為「coll_bak」的新集合到 milvus_B。兩個 Milvus 實體共用相同的儲存空間「bucket_A」,但它們的根路徑不同。
Milvus A使用
作為根路徑。Milvus B使用
作為根路徑。Milvus A 的 MinIO 配置:
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files_A # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
- Milvus B 的 MinIO 設定:
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files_B # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
1.Milvus A 的備份設定
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: milvus_A
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: milvus_A # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files_A" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup
3.還原 Milvus B 的配置
以指向 Milvus B,並調整 MinIO 根目錄:
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: milvus_B
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: milvus_B # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files_B" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak
圖:共用一個 S3 Bucket 的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間的備份和還原工作流程
用例 3:在共用一個 S3、不同資料桶的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間備份和還原
從一個 Milvus 實例 (Milvus_A) 備份一個集合,並將其還原到相同 S3 服務內但使用不同資料桶的另一個 Milvus 實例 (Milvus_B)。
進行儲存。Milvus A 的 MinIO 配置:
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
- Milvus B 的 MinIO 設定:
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_B # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
1.Milvus A 的備份設定
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: milvus_A
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_B" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup
3.還原 Milvus B 的配置
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: milvus_B
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_B" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_B" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak
圖:兩個 Milvus Instance 在同一個 S3、不同資料桶之間的備份和還原工作流程
圖:在一個 S3 的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間備份和還原工作流程,不同的資料桶
用例 4:跨不同 S3 服務的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間的備份和還原
使用一個 S3 服務 (MinIO_A) 從 Milvus_A 備份一個名為「coll」的集合,並使用另一個 S3 服務 (MinIO_B) 將其還原到 Milvus_B,每個實體使用不同的儲存桶。
- Milvus A 的 MinIO 設定:
address: minio_A # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
- Milvus B 的 MinIO 設定
address: minio_B # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
bucketName: bucket_B # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
1.適用於 Milvus A 的備份組態
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: milvus_A
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: minio_A # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup
使用 S3 相容的工具或 SDK,手動將備份從minio_A:bucket_A/backup/my_backup
4.還原 Milvus B 的組態
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: milvus_B
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: minio_B # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "bucket_B" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "bucket_B" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak
圖:跨不同 S3 服務的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間的備份和還原工作流程
圖:跨不同 S3 服務的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間的備份和還原工作流程跨不同 S3 服務的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間的備份和還原工作流程
# Configures the system log output.
level: info # Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'.
console: true # whether print log to console
rootPath: "logs/backup.log"
Milvus 連線:設定 Milvus 實例的連線細節。
# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
address: localhost
port: 19530
authorizationEnabled: false
# tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
# 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
tlsMode: 0
user: "root"
password: "Milvus"
MinIO 組態:定義備份如何與 MinIO 或其他 S3 相容的儲存設備互動。
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
# cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
useIAM: false
iamEndpoint: ""
bucketName: "a-bucket" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
# only for azure
backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
backupBucketName: "a-bucket" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
Milvus 備份工具提供強大的解決方案,可在 Milvus 實體內或跨實體備份和還原資料夾。無論您是管理單一實體內的備份、同一 S3 服務內不同實體間的備份,或是跨不同 S3 服務的備份,milvus-backup 都能彈性、精準地處理。
多功能性:Milvus-backup 支援多種情境,從簡單的實體內備份到複雜的跨服務還原。
檔案,使用者可以自訂備份與還原程序,以符合特定需求,並適應不同的儲存設定與網路配置。安全性與控制:直接操作 S3 桶和路徑可控制資料儲存和安全性,確保備份既安全又只有授權使用者才能存取。
有效的資料管理對於在您的應用程式中充分發揮 Milvus 的潛力至關重要。掌握 Milvus 備份工具,即使在複雜的分散式環境中,也能確保資料的耐用性和可用性。本指南讓用戶能夠實施強大的備份策略,推廣最佳實踐和高效的資料處理技術。
無論您是開發人員、資料工程師或 IT 專業人士,瞭解並運用 Milvus-backup 工具,都能提供可靠且有效率的資料管理解決方案,為專案的成功做出重大貢獻。
- 準備工作
- 指令概述
- 備份/還原使用案例
- 使用個案 1:在一個 Milvus Instance 內備份和還原
- 用例 2:在共用一個 S3 Bucket 的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間備份和還原
- 用例 3:在共用一個 S3、不同資料桶的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間備份和還原
- 用例 4:跨不同 S3 服務的兩個 Milvus Instance 之間的備份和還原
- 設定檔案說明
- 總結
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