  • User Guide

Manage Databases

Similar to traditional database engines, you can also create databases in Milvus and allocate privileges to certain users to manage them. Then such users have the right to manage the collections in the databases. A Milvus cluster supports a maximum of 64 databases.

The code snippets on this page use the PyMilvus ORM module to interact with Milvus. Code snippets with the new MilvusClient SDK will be available soon.

Create database

Use connect() to connect to the Milvus server and create_database() to create a new database:

Use MilvusClient to connect to the Milvus server and createDatabase() to create a new database:

Use MilvusClient to connect to the Milvus server and createDatabase() to create a new database:

from pymilvus import connections, db

conn = connections.connect(host="", port=19530)

database = db.create_database("my_database")
import io.milvus.client.MilvusServiceClient;
import io.milvus.param.ConnectParam;
import io.milvus.param.collection.CreateDatabaseParam;

// 1. Connect to Milvus server
ConnectParam connectParam = ConnectParam.newBuilder()

MilvusServiceClient client = new MilvusServiceClient(connectParam);

// 3. Create a new database
CreateDatabaseParam createDatabaseParam = CreateDatabaseParam.newBuilder()

R<RpcStatus> response = client.createDatabase(createDatabaseParam);
const address = "http://localhost:19530";

// 1. Set up a Milvus Client
client = new MilvusClient({ address });

// 3. Create a database
res = await client.createDatabase({
    db_name: "my_database",


// {
//   error_code: 'Success',
//   reason: '',
//   code: 0,
//   retriable: false,
//   detail: ''
// }

The above code snippets connects to the default database and creates a new database named my_database.

Use a database

A Milvus cluster ships with a default database, named 'default’. Collections are created in the default database unless otherwise specified.

To change the default database, do as follows:

// No equivalent method is available.
// 4. Activate another database
res = await client.useDatabase({
    db_name: "my_database",


You can also set a database to use upon connecting to your Milvus cluster as follows:

conn = connections.connect(
ConnectParam connectParam = ConnectParam.newBuilder()

MilvusServiceClient client = new MilvusServiceClient(connectParam);
const address = "http://localhost:19530";
const db_name = "my_database";

// 1. Set up a Milvus Client
client = new MilvusClient({ address, db_name });

List databases

To find all existing databases in your Milvus cluster, use the list_database() method:

To find all existing databases in your Milvus cluster, use the listDatabases() method:

To find all existing databases in your Milvus cluster, use the listDatabases() method:


# Output
['default', 'my_database']
import io.milvus.grpc.ListDatabasesResponse;
import io.milvus.param.R;

// 2. List all databases
R<ListDatabasesResponse> listDatabasesResponse = client.listDatabases();

// status {
// }
// db_names: "default"
// db_names: "my_database"
// created_timestamp: 1716794498117757990
// created_timestamp: 1716797196479639477
res = await client.listDatabases();


// [ 'default', 'my_database' ]

Drop database

To drop a database, you have to drop all its collections first. Otherwise, the drop fails.

To drop a database, use the drop_database() method:

To drop a database, use the dropDatabase() method:

To drop a database, use the dropDatabase() method:



# Output
import io.milvus.param.collection.DropDatabaseParam;

DropDatabaseParam dropDatabaseParam = DropDatabaseParam.newBuilder()

response = client.dropDatabase(dropDatabaseParam);
res = await client.dropDatabase({
    db_name: "my_database",

Use RBAC with database

RBAC also covers database operations and ensures forward compatibility. The word database in the Permission APIs (Grant / Revoke / List Grant) has the following meanings:

  • If neither a Milvus connection nor a Permission API call specifies a db_name, database refers to the default database.
  • If a Milvus connection specifies a db_name, but a Permission API call afterward does not, database refers to the database whose name was specified in the Milvus connection.
  • If a Permission API call is made upon a Milvus connection, with or without db_name specified, database refers to the database whose name was specified in the Permission API call.

The following code snippet is shared among the listed blocks below.

from pymilvus import connections, Role

_URI = "http://localhost:19530"
_TOKEN = "root:Milvus"
_DB_NAME = "default"

def connect_to_milvus(db_name="default"):
    print(f"connect to milvus\n")
String URI = "http://localhost:19530";
String TOKEN = "root:Milvus";

public class ConnectToMilvus {
    private String _dbName = "default";

    public newBuilder() {}

    public MilvusServiceClient build() {
        ConnectParam connectParam = ConnectParam.newBuilder()

        return new MilvusServiceClient(connectParam);

    public newBuilder withDbName(String dbName) {
        this._dbName = dbName;
        return this;
const address = "http://localhost:19530";
const token = "root:Milvus";

function connectToMilvus(dbName = "default") {
    const client = new MilvusClient({

    return client;
  • If neither a Milvus connection nor a Permission API call specifies a db_name, database refers to the default database.

    _ROLE_NAME = "test_role"
    _PRIVILEGE_INSERT = "Insert"
    role = Role(_ROLE_NAME)
    role.grant("Collection", "*", _PRIVILEGE_INSERT)
    print(role.list_grant("Collection", "*"))
    role.revoke("Global", "*", _PRIVILEGE_INSERT)
    String ROLE_NAME = "test_role";
    String PRIVILEGE_INSERT = "Insert";
    MilvusServiceClient client = new ConnectToMilvus().build();
    R<RpcStatus> response = client.createRole(CreateRoleParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    response = client.grantRolePrivilege(GrantRolePriviledgeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    R<SelectGrantResponse> grants = client.selectGrantForRole(SelectGrantForRoleParam.newBuilder()
    if (grants.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(grants.getMessage());
    grants = client.selectGrantForRoleAndObject(SelectGrantForRoleAndObjectParam.newBuilder()
    if (grants.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(grants.getMessage());
    response = client.revokeRolePrivilege(RevokeRolePrivilegeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    response = client.revokeRolePrivilege(RevokeRolePrivilegeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    const ROLE_NAME = "test_role";
    const PRIVILEGE_INSERT = "Insert";
    const client = connectToMilvus();
    async function demo() {}
    await client.createRole({
      roleName: ROLE_NAME,
    const grants = await client.listGrants({
      roleName: ROLE_NAME,
    await client.revokePrivilege({
      roleName: ROLE_NAME,
      object: "Global",
      objectName: "*",
      privilege: PRIVILEGE_INSERT,
  • If a Milvus connection specifies a db_name, but a Permission API call afterward does not, database refers to the database whose name was specified in the Milvus connection.

    # NOTE: please make sure the 'foo' db has been created
    # This role will have the insert permission of all collections under foo db,
    # excluding the insert permissions of collections under other dbs
    role.grant("Collection", "*", _PRIVILEGE_INSERT)
    print(role.list_grant("Collection", "*"))
    role.revoke("Global", "*", _PRIVILEGE_INSERT)
    // NOTE: please make sure the 'foo' db has been created
    MilvusServiceClient client = new ConnectToMilvus().withDbName("foo").build();
    // This role will have the insert permission of all collections under foo db,
    // excluding the insert permissions of collections under other dbs
    R<RpcStatus> response = client.grantRolePrivilege(GrantRolePriviledgeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    R<SelectGrantResponse> grants = client.selectGrantForRole(SelectGrantForRoleParam.newBuilder()
    if (grants.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(grants.getMessage());
    grants = client.selectGrantForRoleAndObject(SelectGrantForRoleAndObjectParam.newBuilder()
    if (grants.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(grants.getMessage());
    response = client.revokeRolePrivilege(RevokeRolePrivilegeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    const client = connectToMilvus("foo");
    async function demo() {}
    await client.createRole({
      roleName: ROLE_NAME,
    const grants = await client.listGrants({
      roleName: ROLE_NAME,
    await client.revokePrivilege({
      roleName: ROLE_NAME,
      object: "Global",
      objectName: "*",
      privilege: PRIVILEGE_INSERT,
  • If a Permission API call is made upon a Milvus connection, with or without db_name specified, database refers to the database whose name was specified in the Permission API call.

    # NOTE: please make sure the 'foo' db has been created
    db_name = "foo"
    role.grant("Collection", "*", _PRIVILEGE_INSERT, db_name=db_name)
    print(role.list_grant("Collection", "*", db_name=db_name))
    role.revoke("Global", "*", _PRIVILEGE_INSERT, db_name=db_name)
    // NOTE: please make sure the 'foo' db has been created
    String dbName = "foo";
    MilvusServiceClient client = new ConnectToMilvus().build();
    R<RpcStatus> response = client.grantRolePrivilege(GrantRolePriviledgeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    R<SelectGrantResponse> grants = client.selectGrantForRole(SelectGrantForRoleParam.newBuilder()
    if (grants.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(grants.getMessage());
    grants = client.selectGrantForRoleAndObject(SelectGrantForRoleAndObjectParam.newBuilder()
    if (grants.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(grants.getMessage());
    response = client.revokeRolePrivilege(RevokeRolePrivilegeParam.newBuilder()
    if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());
    // The Node.js SDK currently cannot support this case.

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