  • User Guide

Filtered Search​

An ANN search finds vector embeddings most similar to specified vector embeddings. However, the search results may not always be correct. You can include filtering conditions in a search request so that Milvus conducts metadata filtering before conducting ANN searches, reducing the search scope from the whole collection to only the entities matching the specified filtering conditions.​


If a collection contains both vector embeddings and their metadata, you can filter metadata before ANN search to improve the relevancy of the search result. Once Milvus receives a search request carrying a filtering condition, it restricts the search scope within the entities matching the specified filtering condition.​

Filtered search Filtered search

As shown in the above diagram, the search request carries chunk like % red % as the filtering condition, indicating that Milvus should conduct the ANN search within all the entities that have the word red in the chunk field. Specifically, Milvus does the following:​

  • Filter entities that match the filtering conditions carried in the search request.​

  • Conduct the ANN search within the filtered entities.​

  • Returns top-K entities.​


This section demonstrates how to conduct a filtered search. Code snippets in this section assume you already have the following entities in your collection. Each entity has four fields, namely id, vector, color, and likes.​

    {"id": 0, "vector": [0.3580376395471989, -0.6023495712049978, 0.18414012509913835, -0.26286205330961354, 0.9029438446296592], "color": "pink_8682", "likes": 165},​
    {"id": 1, "vector": [0.19886812562848388, 0.06023560599112088, 0.6976963061752597, 0.2614474506242501, 0.838729485096104], "color": "red_7025", "likes": 25},​
    {"id": 2, "vector": [0.43742130801983836, -0.5597502546264526, 0.6457887650909682, 0.7894058910881185, 0.20785793220625592], "color": "orange_6781", "likes": 764},​
    {"id": 3, "vector": [0.3172005263489739, 0.9719044792798428, -0.36981146090600725, -0.4860894583077995, 0.95791889146345], "color": "pink_9298", "likes": 234},​
    {"id": 4, "vector": [0.4452349528804562, -0.8757026943054742, 0.8220779437047674, 0.46406290649483184, 0.30337481143159106], "color": "red_4794", "likes": 122},​
    {"id": 5, "vector": [0.985825131989184, -0.8144651566660419, 0.6299267002202009, 0.1206906911183383, -0.1446277761879955], "color": "yellow_4222", "likes": 12},​
    {"id": 6, "vector": [0.8371977790571115, -0.015764369584852833, -0.31062937026679327, -0.562666951622192, -0.8984947637863987], "color": "red_9392", "likes": 58},​
    {"id": 7, "vector": [-0.33445148015177995, -0.2567135004164067, 0.8987539745369246, 0.9402995886420709, 0.5378064918413052], "color": "grey_8510", "likes": 775},​
    {"id": 8, "vector": [0.39524717779832685, 0.4000257286739164, -0.5890507376891594, -0.8650502298996872, -0.6140360785406336], "color": "white_9381", "likes": 876},​
    {"id": 9, "vector": [0.5718280481994695, 0.24070317428066512, -0.3737913482606834, -0.06726932177492717, -0.6980531615588608], "color": "purple_4976", "likes": 765}​

The search request in the following code snippet carries a filtering condition and several output fields.​

from pymilvus import MilvusClient​
client = MilvusClient(​
query_vector = [0.3580376395471989, -0.6023495712049978, 0.18414012509913835, -0.26286205330961354, 0.9029438446296592]​
res =​
    # highlight-start​
    filter='color like "red%" and likes > 50',​
    output_fields=["color", "likes"]​
    # highlight-end​
for hits in res:​
    print("TopK results:")​
    for hit in hits:​

import io.milvus.v2.client.ConnectConfig;​
import io.milvus.v2.client.MilvusClientV2;​
import io.milvus.v2.service.vector.request.SearchReq​
import io.milvus.v2.service.vector.response.SearchResp​
MilvusClientV2 client = new MilvusClientV2(ConnectConfig.builder()​
FloatVec queryVector = new FloatVec(new float[]{0.3580376395471989f, -0.6023495712049978f, 0.18414012509913835f, -0.26286205330961354f, 0.9029438446296592f});​
SearchReq searchReq = SearchReq.builder()​
        .filter("color like \"red%\" and likes > 50")​
        .outputFields(Arrays.asList("color", "likes"))​
SearchResp searchResp =;​
List<List<SearchResp.SearchResult>> searchResults = searchResp.getSearchResults();​
for (List<SearchResp.SearchResult> results : searchResults) {​
    System.out.println("TopK results:");​
    for (SearchResp.SearchResult result : results) {​
// Output​
// TopK results:​
// SearchResp.SearchResult(entity={color=red_4794, likes=122}, score=0.5975797, id=4)​
// SearchResp.SearchResult(entity={color=red_9392, likes=58}, score=-0.24996188, id=6)​

import (​
func ExampleClient_Search_filter() {​
        ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())​
        defer cancel()​
        milvusAddr := ""​
        token := "root:Milvus"​
        cli, err := client.New(ctx, &client.ClientConfig{​
                Address: milvusAddr,​
                APIKey:  token,​
        if err != nil {​
                log.Fatal("failed to connect to milvus server: ", err.Error())​
        defer cli.Close(ctx)​
        queryVector := []float32{0.3580376395471989, -0.6023495712049978, 0.18414012509913835, -0.26286205330961354, 0.9029438446296592}​
        resultSets, err := cli.Search(ctx, client.NewSearchOption(​
                "filtered_search_collection", // collectionName​
                3,             // limit​
        ).WithFilter(`color like "red%" and likes > 50`).WithOutputFields("color", "likes"))​
        if err != nil {​
                log.Fatal("failed to perform basic ANN search collection: ", err.Error())​
        for _, resultSet := range resultSets {​
                log.Println("IDs: ", resultSet.IDs)​
                log.Println("Scores: ", resultSet.Scores)​
        // Output:​
        // IDs:​
        // Scores:​

import { MilvusClient, DataType } from "@zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node";​
const address = "http://localhost:19530";​
const token = "root:Milvus";​
const client = new MilvusClient({address, token});​
const query_vector = [0.3580376395471989, -0.6023495712049978, 0.18414012509913835, -0.26286205330961354, 0.9029438446296592]​
const res = await{​
    collection_name: "filtered_search_collection",​
    data: [query_vector],​
    limit: 5,​
    // highlight-start​
    filters: 'color like "red%" and likes > 50',​
    output_fields: ["color", "likes"]​
    // highlight-end​

export CLUSTER_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:19530"export TOKEN="root:Milvus"​
curl --request POST \​
--url "${CLUSTER_ENDPOINT}/v2/vectordb/entities/search" \​
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \​
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \​
-d '{​
    "collectionName": "quick_setup",​
    "data": [​
        [0.3580376395471989, -0.6023495712049978, 0.18414012509913835, -0.26286205330961354, 0.9029438446296592]​
    "annsField": "vector",​
    "filter": "color like \"red%\" and likes > 50",​
    "limit": 3,​
    "outputFields": ["color", "likes"]​
}'# {"code":0,"cost":0,"data":[]}​

The filtering condition carried in the search request reads color like "red%" and likes > 50. It uses the and operator to include two conditions: the first one asks for entities that have a value starting with red in the color field, and the other asks for entities with a value greater than 50 in the likes field. There are only two entities meeting these requirements. With the top-K set to 3, Milvus will calculate the distance between these two entities to the query vector and return them as the search results.​

        "id": 4, ​
        "distance": 0.3345786594834839,​
        "entity": {​
            "vector": [0.4452349528804562, -0.8757026943054742, 0.8220779437047674, 0.46406290649483184, 0.30337481143159106], ​
            "color": "red_4794", ​
            "likes": 122​
        "id": 6, ​
        "distance": 0.6638239834383389,​
        "entity": {​
            "vector": [0.8371977790571115, -0.015764369584852833, -0.31062937026679327, -0.562666951622192, -0.8984947637863987], ​
            "color": "red_9392", ​
            "likes": 58​

For more information on the operators that you can use in metadata filtering, refer to ​Metadata Filtering.​

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