  • Administration Guide

msgChannel-related Configurations

This topic introduces the message channel-related configurations of Milvus.


Description Default Value
  • Root name prefix of the channel when a message channel is created.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • To share a Pulsar instance among multiple Milvus instances, consider changing this to a name rather than the default one for each Milvus instance before you start them.
  • by-dev


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-name prefix of the message channel where the root coord publishes time tick messages.
  • The complete channel name prefix is ${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.cluster}-${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.rootCoordTimeTick}
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • rootcoord-timetick


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-name prefix of the message channel where the root coord publishes its own statistics messages.
  • The complete channel name prefix is ${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.cluster}-${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.rootCoordStatistics}
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • rootcoord-statistics


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-name prefix of the message channel where the root coord publishes Data Manipulation Language (DML) messages.
  • The complete channel name prefix is ${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.cluster}-${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.rootCoordDml}
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • rootcoord-dml


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-name prefix of the message channel where the query node publishes time tick messages.
  • The complete channel name prefix is ${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.cluster}-${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.queryTimeTick}
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • queryTimeTick


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-name prefix of the message channel where the data coord publishes time tick messages.
  • The complete channel name prefix is ${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.cluster}-${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.dataCoordTimeTick}
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • datacoord-timetick-channel


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-name prefix of the message channel where the data coord publishes segment information messages.
  • The complete channel name prefix is ${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.cluster}-${msgChannel.chanNamePrefix.dataCoordSegmentInfo}
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • segment-info-channel


    Description Default Value
  • Subscription name prefix of the data coord.
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • dataCoord


    Description Default Value
  • Subscription name prefix of the data node.
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • dataNode