This operation describes a specific index.
describeIndex(data): Promise<DescribeIndexResponse>
Request Syntax
db_name: string,
collection_name: string,
field_name?: string,
index_name?: string,
timeout?: number
db_name (string) -
The name of the database that holds the target collection.
collection_name (string) -
The name of an existing collection.
field_name (string) -
The name of an existing field in the collection.
index_name (string) -
The name of the index to describe.
timeout (number)
The timeout duration for this operation. Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.
RETURNS Promise<DescribeIndexResponse>
This method returns a promise that resolves to a DescribeIndexResponse object.
index_descriptions: IndexDescription[],
status: object
index_descriptions (IndexDescription[]) -
field_name (string) -
The name of the field on which the index is created.
indexID (number) -
The ID of the created index.
index_name (string) -
The name of the created index.
index_state_fail_reason (string) -
The reason for failing to create the index.
indexed_rows (string) -
The number of rows that are indexed.
pending_index_rows (string) -
The number of rows waiting to be indexed.
total_rows (string) -
The total number of rows in the field.
params (string) -
Index-specific parameters.
key (string) -
The name of the index parameter.
value (string | number) -
The value of the index parameter.
status (object) -
code (number) -
A code that indicates the operation result. It remains 0 if this operation succeeds.
error_code (string | number) -
An error code that indicates an occurred error. It remains Success if this operation succeeds.
reason (string) -
The reason that indicates the reason for the reported error. It remains an empty string if this operation succeeds.
const milvusClient = new MilvusClient(MILUVS_ADDRESS);
const describeIndexReq = {
collection_name: 'my_collection',
index_name: 'my_index',
const res = await milvusClient.describeIndex(describeIndexReq);