< Docs
  • Node


This operation revokes a privilege already assigned to a role.

revokePrivilege(data): Promise<ResStatus>

Request Syntax

   roleName: string,
   object: RbacObjects,
   objectName: string,
   privilegeName: PrivilegesTypes


  • roleName (string) -


    The name of the role to revoke privileges from.

  • object (string) -


    The type of object for which the privilege is to be assigned.

    Possible values are as follows:

    • Global

      System-wide objects that allow the user to perform actions that affect all collections, users, or system-wide settings. When object is set to Global, set objectName to the wildcard (*****), indicating all objects of the specified type.

    • Collection

      Collection-specific objects that allow the user to perform actions such as creating indexes, loading data, inserting or deleting data, and querying data within a specific collection.

    • User

      Objects related to user management that allow the user to manage credentials and roles for database users, such as updating user credentials or viewing user details.

  • objectName (string) -


    The name of the object to control access for. For example, if the object type is Collection, the object name is the name of a collection. If the object type is User, the object name is the name of a database user.

    When object is set to Global, set objectName to the wildcard (*****), indicating all objects of the specified type. For details, refer to the Relevant API column in the table on page Users and Roles.

  • privilegeName (PrivilegesTypes) -


    The name of the privilege to assign. You can use any value in the Enumeration Members column of the following table.

    Privilege Types

    Enumeration Members


    All, CreatAlias, CreateCollection, CreateDatabase, CreateOwnership, CreateResourceGroup, DescribeAlias, DescribeCollection, DescribeResourceGroup, DropAlias, DropCollection, DropDatabase, DropOwnership, DropResourceGroup, FlushAll, ListAliases, ListDatabases, ListResourceGroups, ManageOwnership, RenameCollection, SelectOwnership, ShowCollections, TransferNode, TransferReplica.


    Compaction, CreateIndex, CreatePartition, Delete, DropIndex, Drop Partition, Flush, GetFlushState, GetLoadState, GetLoadingProgress, GetStatistics, HasPartition, Import, IndexDetails, Insert, Load, LoadBalance, Query, Release, Search, ShowPartitions, Upsert


    SelectUser, UpdateUser

    For details, refer to the Privilege name column in the table on page Users and Roles.

  • timeout (float | None)

    The timeout duration for this operation.

    Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.

RETURNS Promise<ResStatus>

This method returns a promise that resolves to a ResStatus object.

    code: number,
    error_code: string | number,
    reason: string


  • code (number) -

    A code that indicates the operation result. It remains 0 if this operation succeeds.

  • error_code (string | number) -

    An error code that indicates an occurred error. It remains Success if this operation succeeds.

  • reason (string) -

    The reason that indicates the reason for the reported error. It remains an empty string if this operation succeeds.


   roleName: 'roleName',
   object: 'Collection', // Valid value: Global, Collection or User.
   objectName: 'CollectionName', // The name of the collection to revoke privilege from. Use "*" to revoke privilege from all collections.
   privilegeName: 'CreateIndex'

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