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This operation assigns a privilege to a role.

grantPrivilege(data): Promise<ResStatus>

Request Syntax

   roleName: string,
   object: string,
   objectName: string,
   privilegeName: string,
   timeout?: number


  • roleName (string) -


    The name of the role to assign privileges to.

  • object (string) -


    The type of object for which the privilege is to be assigned.

    Possible values are as follows:

    • Global

      System-wide objects that allow the user to perform actions that affect all collections, users, or system-wide settings. When object is set to Global, set objectName to the wildcard (*****), indicating all objects of the specified type.

    • Collection

      Collection-specific objects that allow the user to perform actions such as creating indexes, loading data, inserting or deleting data, and querying data within a specific collection.

    • User

      Objects related to user management that allow the user to manage credentials and roles for database users, such as updating user credentials or viewing user details.

  • objectName (string) -


    The name of the object to control access for. For example, if the object type is Collection, the object name is the name of a collection. If the object type is User, the object name is the name of a database user.

    When object is set to Global, set objectName to the wildcard (*****), indicating all objects of the specified type. For details, refer to the Relevant API column in the table on page Users and Roles.

  • privilegeName (string) -


    The name of the privilege to assign.

    For details, refer to the Privilege name column in the table on page Users and Roles.

  • timeout (number)

    The timeout duration for this operation.

    Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.

RETURNS Promise<ResStatus>

This method returns a promise that resolves to a ResStatus object.

    code: number,
    error_code: string | number,
    reason: string


  • code (number) -

    A code that indicates the operation result. It remains 0 if this operation succeeds.

  • error_code (string | number) -

    An error code that indicates an occurred error. It remains Success if this operation succeeds.

  • reason (string) -

    The reason that indicates the reason for the reported error. It remains an empty string if this operation succeeds.


   roleName: 'roleName',
   object: 'Collection', // Valid value: Global, Collection or User.
   objectName: 'CollectionName', // The name of the collection to grant access to. Use "*" to grant access to all collections.
   privilegeName: 'CreateIndex'

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