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  • Go


This method inserts entities organized in rows into the specified collection.

func (c *GrpcClient) InsertRows(ctx context.Context, collName string, partitionName string, rows []interface{}) (entity.Column, error)

Request Parameters





Context for the current call to work.



Name of the collection to insert data into.



Name of the partition to insert data into.



Data to insert into the specified collection.

You should include the data for all the fields defined in the collection schema.





Any error in the execution of the request. Possible errors are as follows:

  • ErrClientNotReady: The client is not connected to Milvus.

  • ErrCollectionNotExists: The collection with the specified name does not exist.

  • The specified field is invalid.

  • The call to this API fails.


  • InsertRows with struct
// insert rows
rows := make([]interface{}, 0, 2000)
type Row struct {
   ID      int64     `json:"id" milvus:"name:id"`
   Varchar string    `json:"varchar" milvus:"name:varchar"`
   Vector  []float32 `json:"vector" milvus:"name:vector"`
for i := 0; i < 2000; i++ {
   v := make([]float32, 0, 768)
   for j := 0; j < 768; j++ {
      v = append(v, rand.Float32())
   row := Row{
      ID:      int64(i),
      Varchar: strconv.Itoa(i),
      Vector:  v,
   rows = append(rows, &row)
resInsert, errInsert := mc.InsertRows(context.Background(), collectionName, "", rows)
if errInsert != nil {
   log.Fatal("failed to insert rows:", errInsert.Error())
log.Println(resInsert.Name(), resInsert.Len())
  • InsertRows with map
// insert rows
rows := make([]interface{}, 0, 2000)
for i := 0; i < 2000; i++ {
   row := make(map[string]interface{})
   v := make([]float32, 0, 768)
   for j := 0; j < 768; j++ {
      v = append(v, rand.Float32())
   row["id"] = int64(i)
   row["varchar"] = strconv.Itoa(i)
   row["vector"] = v

   rows = append(rows, row)
resInsert, errInsert := mc.InsertRows(context.Background(), collectionName, "", rows)
if errInsert != nil {
   log.Fatal("failed to insert rows:", errInsert.Error())
log.Println(resInsert.Name(), resInsert.Len())
  • Insert rows with other vectors
import (


func GenFloat16Vector(dim int64) []byte {
   ret := make([]byte, dim*2)
   for i := 0; i < int(dim); i++ {
      v := float16.Fromfloat32(rand.Float32()).Bits()
      binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(ret[i*2:], v)
   return ret

func GenBFloat16Vector(dim int64) []byte {
   ret16 := make([]uint16, 0, dim)
   for i := 0; i < int(dim); i++ {
      f := rand.Float32()
      bits := math.Float32bits(f)
      bits >>= 16
      bits &= 0x7FFF
      ret16 = append(ret16, uint16(bits))
   ret := make([]byte, len(ret16)*2)
   for i, value := range ret16 {
      binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(ret[i*2:], value)
   return ret

func GenBinaryVector(dim int64) []byte {
   vector := make([]byte, dim/8)
   return vector

// insert rows
rows := make([]interface{}, 0, 2000)
type Row struct {
   ID        int64                  `json:"id" milvus:"name:id"`
   Float16  []byte                 `json:"fp16" milvus:"name:fp16"`
   BFloat16 []byte                 `json:"bf16" milvus:"name:bf16"`
   Binary   []byte                 `json:"binary" milvus:"name:binary"`
   Sparse   entity.SparseEmbedding `json:"sparse" milvus:"name:sparse"`
for j := 0; j < 2000; j++ {
   // sparse vectors
   positions := []uint32{0, 100, 200, 300}
   values := []float32{rand.Float32(), rand.Float32(), rand.Float32(), rand.Float32()}
   sparseEmb, err := entity.NewSliceSparseEmbedding(positions, values)
   if err != nil {
      log.Fatalf("Generate vector failed %s", err)
   row := Row{
      ID:      int64(j),
      Float16: GenFloat16Vector(768),
      BFloat16: GenBFloat16Vector(768),
      Binary: GenBinaryVector(768),
      Sparse: sparseEmb,
   rows = append(rows, &row)
resInsert, errInsert := mc.InsertRows(context.Background(), collectionName, "", rows)
if errInsert != nil {
   log.Fatal("failed to insert rows:", errInsert.Error())
log.Println(resInsert.Name(), resInsert.Len())

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