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如何使用 Milvus 备份工具:分步指南

  • Engineering
September 27, 2024
Michael Mo

Milvus是一个开源、高性能和高度可扩展的向量数据库,可以通过高维向量嵌入来存储、索引和搜索十亿规模的非结构化数据。它非常适合构建现代人工智能应用,如检索增强生成(RAG)、语义搜索、多模态搜索和推荐系统。Milvus 可在从笔记本电脑到大规模分布式系统的各种环境中高效运行。它以开源软件和云服务的形式提供。

Milvus 备份是用于备份和恢复 Milvus 数据的工具。它提供 CLI 和 API 以适应不同的应用场景。本指南将指导你如何使用 Milvus 备份,确保你能自信地处理备份需求。



1. Milvus-backup 版本库中下载最新的二进制文件。选择适合您操作系统的版本:

  • 对于 macOS:milvus-backup_Darwin_arm64.tar.gzmilvus-backup_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz

  • Linux:milvus-backup_Linux_arm64.tar.gzmilvus-backup_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz


3.3.将 tar 文件解压缩到首选目录,并将backup.yaml 放在同一解压缩文件夹内的configs/ 目录中。确保目录结构如下:

├── configs
│   └── backup.yaml
├── milvus-backup
└── README.md



1.一般帮助:键入milvus-backup help 查看可用命令和标记。

milvus-backup is a backup&restore tool for milvus.

 milvus-backup [flags]
 milvus-backup [command]

Available Commands:
 check       check if the connects is right.
 create      create subcommand create a backup.
 delete      delete subcommand delete backup by name.
 get         get subcommand get backup by name.
 help        Help about any command
 list        list subcommand shows all backup in the cluster.
 restore     restore subcommand restore a backup.
 server      server subcommand start milvus-backup RESTAPI server.

     --config string   config YAML file of milvus (default "backup.yaml")
 -h, --help            help for milvus-backup

Use "milvus-backup [command] --help" for more information about a command.

2.创建备份:输入milvus-backup create --help 获取创建备份的具体帮助。

 milvus-backup create [flags]

 -n, --name string                   backup name, if unset will generate a name automatically
 -c, --colls string                  collectionNames to backup, use ',' to connect multiple collections
 -d, --databases string              databases to backup
 -a, --database_collections string   databases and collections to backup, json format: {"db1":["c1", "c2"],"db2":[]}
 -f, --force                         force backup, will skip flush, should make sure data has been stored into disk when using it
     --meta_only                     only backup collection meta instead of data
 -h, --help                          help for create

3.恢复备份:要了解如何恢复备份,请使用milvus-backup restore --help

 milvus-backup restore [flags]

 -n, --name string                   backup name to restore
 -c, --collections string            collectionNames to restore
 -s, --suffix string                 add a suffix to collection name to restore
 -r, --rename string                 rename collections to new names, format: db1.collection1:db2.collection1_new,db1.collection2:db2.collection2_new
 -d, --databases string              databases to restore, if not set, restore all databases
 -a, --database_collections string   databases and collections to restore, json format: {"db1":["c1", "c2"],"db2":[]}
     --meta_only                     if true, restore meta only
     --restore_index                 if true, restore index
     --use_auto_index                if true, replace vector index with autoindex
     --drop_exist_collection         if true, drop existing target collection before create
     --drop_exist_index              if true, drop existing index of target collection before create
     --skip_create_collection        if true, will skip collection, use when collection exist, restore index or data
 -h, --help                          help for restore


根据您的具体需求和配置,milvus-backup 工具可有效应用于以下几种使用情况:

  1. 在单个 Milvus 实例内:在同一个 Milvus 服务中,将一个 Collections 复制到一个新的 Collections。

  2. 在单个 S3 的 Milvus 实例之间使用一个 Bucket:在具有不同根路径但使用相同 S3 存储桶的 Milvus 实例之间传输 Collections。

  3. 跨不同 S3 存储桶的 Milvus 实例之间:在同一 S3 服务的不同 S3 存储桶之间传输 Collections。

  4. 跨不同 S3 服务:在使用不同 S3 服务的 Milvus 实例之间复制 Collections。


用例 1:在一个 Milvus 实例内备份和还原

在同一个 Milvus 实例内备份和还原一个 Collections。假设使用同一个 S3 存储桶备份名为 "coll "的 Collections 并将其还原为 "coll_bak"。


  • Milvus使用bucket_A 进行存储。

  • MinIO 配置:

 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3


1.配置backup.yaml ,将 Milvus 和 MinIO 指向正确的位置。

# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
  backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup

该命令将备份放在bucket_A/backup/my_backup 中。

3.3. 将备份还原到新的 Collections 中。

./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak

这将在同一 Milvus 实例中把 "coll "恢复为 "coll_bak"。

Figure: The Backup and Restore Workflow Within One Milvus Instance 图一个 Milvus 实例内的备份和还原工作流程

图一个 Milvus 实例内的备份和还原工作流程

用例 2:在共享一个 S3 存储桶的两个 Milvus 实例之间进行备份和还原

从一个 Milvus 实例备份一个 Collections,然后使用相同的 S3 存储桶但使用不同的根路径将其还原到另一个实例。假设在 milvus_A 中有一个名为 "coll "的 Collections,我们将其备份并恢复到 milvus_B 中名为 "coll_bak "的新 Collections。这两个 Milvus 实例共享同一个存储桶 "bucket_A",但它们的根路径不同。


  • Milvus A使用files_A 作为根路径。

  • Milvus B使用files_B 作为根路径。

  • Milvus A 的 MinIO 配置:

 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files_A # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
  • Milvus B 的 MinIO 配置:
 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files_B # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3


1.Milvus A 的备份配置

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: milvus_A
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"
 # Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
 address: milvus_A # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files_A" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup

3.恢复 Milvus B 的配置

修改backup.yaml ,指向 Milvus B,并调整 MinIO 根路径:

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: milvus_B
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"
 # Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
  address: milvus_B # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files_B" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak

Figure: The Backup and Restore Workflow Between Two Milvus Instances Sharing One S3 Bucket 图共享一个 S3 存储桶的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原工作流程

用例 3:在一个 S3、不同桶的两个 Milvus 实例之间进行备份和还原

从一个 Milvus 实例 (Milvus_A) 备份一个 Collections,并将其还原到同一 S3 服务中但使用不同桶的另一个 Milvus 实例 (Milvus_B)。


  • Milvus使用bucket_A 进行存储。

  • Milvus A 的 MinIO 配置:

 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
  • Milvus B 的 MinIO 配置:
 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_B # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3


1.Milvus A 的备份配置

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: milvus_A
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"
 # Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 backupBucketName: "bucket_B" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup

3.恢复 Milvus B 的配置

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: milvus_B
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"
 # Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
  address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_B" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
  backupBucketName: "bucket_B" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak

Figure: The Backup and Restore Workflow Between Two Milvus Instances in One S3, Different Buckets 图一个 S3 中不同桶的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原工作流程

图一个 S3 中不同桶的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原工作流程

用例 4:跨不同 S3 服务的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原

便于使用一个 S3 服务 (MinIO_A) 从 Milvus_A 备份名为 "coll "的 Collect,并使用另一个 S3 服务 (MinIO_B) 将其还原到 Milvus_B,每个实例使用不同的存储桶。


  • Milvus A 的 MinIO 配置:
 address: minio_A # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_A # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
  • Milvus B 的 MinIO 配置
 address: minio_B # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
   tlsCACert: /path/to/public.crt # path to your CACert file, ignore when it is empty
 bucketName: bucket_B # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
 rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3


1.Milvus A 的备份配置

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: milvus_A
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"
 # Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
 address: minio_A # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_A" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 backupBucketName: "bucket_A" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup create -c coll -n my_backup


使用 S3 兼容工具或 SDK 手动将备份从minio_A:bucket_A/backup/my_backup 复制到minio_B:bucket_B/backup/my_backup

4.恢复 Milvus B 的配置

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: milvus_B
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"
 # Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
 address: minio_B # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "bucket_B" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 backupBucketName: "bucket_B" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


./milvus-backup restore -c coll -n my_backup -s _bak

Figure: The Backup and Restore Workflow Between Two Milvus Instances Across Different S3 Services 图跨不同 S3 服务的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原工作流程

图:跨不同 S3 服务的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原工作流程跨不同 S3 服务的两个 Milvus 实例之间的备份和还原工作流程


编辑configs/backup.yaml 文件,根据你的环境调整备份设置。下面是配置选项的细目:


# Configures the system log output.
 level: info # Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'.
 console: true # whether print log to console
   rootPath: "logs/backup.log"

Milvus 连接:设置 Milvus 实例的连接详情。

# milvus proxy address, compatible to milvus.yaml
 address: localhost
 port: 19530
 authorizationEnabled: false
 # tls mode values [0, 1, 2]
 # 0 is close, 1 is one-way authentication, 2 is two-way authentication.
 tlsMode: 0
 user: "root"
 password: "Milvus"

MinIO 配置:定义备份与 MinIO 或其他 S3 兼容存储的交互方式。

# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
 # cloudProvider: "minio" # deprecated use storageType instead
 storageType: "minio" # support storage type: local, minio, s3, aws, gcp, ali(aliyun), azure, tc(tencent)
 address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
 port: 9000   # Port of MinIO/S3
 accessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
 useIAM: false
 iamEndpoint: ""
 bucketName: "a-bucket" # Milvus Bucket name in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance
 rootPath: "files" # Milvus storage root path in MinIO/S3, make it the same as your milvus instance

 # only for azure
 backupAccessKeyID: minioadmin  # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
 backupSecretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
 backupBucketName: "a-bucket" # Bucket name to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath
 backupRootPath: "backup" # Rootpath to store backup data. Backup data will store to backupBucketName/backupRootPath


Milvus 备份工具为在 Milvus 实例内和跨 Milvus 实例备份和恢复 Collections 提供了强大的解决方案。无论你是管理单个实例内、同一 S3 服务中不同实例间的备份,还是管理不同 S3 服务间的备份,milvus-backup 都能灵活、精确地处理。


  1. 多功能性:Milvus-backup 支持多种场景,从简单的实例内备份到复杂的跨服务恢复。

  2. 配置灵活:通过适当配置backup.yaml 文件,用户可以定制备份和恢复流程,以适应不同的存储设置和网络配置,从而满足特定需求。

  3. 安全和控制:直接操作 S3 存储桶和路径可实现对数据存储和安全性的控制,确保备份既安全又只有授权用户才能访问。

有效的数据管理对于在应用中充分发挥 Milvus 的潜力至关重要。通过掌握 Milvus 备份工具,即使在复杂的 Distributed 环境中,也能确保数据的持久性和可用性。本指南帮助用户实施稳健的备份策略,推广最佳实践和高效的数据处理技术。

无论你是开发人员、数据工程师,还是 IT 专业人士,了解并使用 Milvus-backup 工具,都能通过提供可靠、高效的数据管理解决方案,极大地促进项目的成功。

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