使用 Milvus 和 Cohere 進行問題回答
本頁說明如何使用 Milvus 作為向量資料庫,並使用 Cohere 作為嵌入系統,建立一個以 SQuAD 資料集為基礎的問題解答系統。
本頁面的程式碼片段需要安裝pymilvus、cohere、pandas、numpy 和tqdm。在這些套件中,PYMILVUS是 Milvus 的用戶端。如果您的系統上沒有這些套件,請執行下列指令來安裝它們:
pip install pymilvus cohere pandas numpy tqdm
import cohere
import pandas
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from pymilvus import connections, FieldSchema, CollectionSchema, DataType, Collection, utility
FILE = 'https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/dataset/train-v2.0.json' # The SQuAD dataset url
COLLECTION_NAME = 'question_answering_db' # Collection name
DIMENSION = 1024 # Embeddings size, cohere embeddings default to 4096 with the large model
COUNT = 5000 # How many questions to embed and insert into Milvus
BATCH_SIZE = 96 # How large of batches to use for embedding and insertion
MILVUS_HOST = 'localhost' # Milvus server URI
MILVUS_PORT = '19530'
COHERE_API_KEY = 'replace-this-with-the-cohere-api-key' # API key obtained from Cohere
在本範例中,我們要使用 Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) 作為回答問題的真相來源。這個資料集是以 JSON 檔案的形式出現,我們要使用pandas將它載入。
# Download the dataset
dataset = pandas.read_json(FILE)
# Clean up the dataset by grabbing all the question answer pairs
simplified_records = []
for x in dataset['data']:
for y in x['paragraphs']:
for z in y['qas']:
if len(z['answers']) != 0:
simplified_records.append({'question': z['question'], 'answer': z['answers'][0]['text']})
# Grab the amount of records based on COUNT
simplified_records = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(simplified_records)
simplified_records = simplified_records.sample(n=min(COUNT, len(simplified_records)), random_state = 42)
# Check the length of the cleaned dataset matches count
本節將介紹 Milvus 以及為本使用個案設定資料庫。在 Milvus 中,我們需要設定一個資料集並建立索引。
# Connect to Milvus Database
connections.connect(host=MILVUS_HOST, port=MILVUS_PORT)
# Remove collection if it already exists
if utility.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
# Create collection which includes the id, title, and embedding.
fields = [
FieldSchema(name='id', dtype=DataType.INT64, is_primary=True, auto_id=True),
FieldSchema(name='original_question', dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, max_length=1000),
FieldSchema(name='answer', dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, max_length=1000),
FieldSchema(name='original_question_embedding', dtype=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=DIMENSION)
schema = CollectionSchema(fields=fields)
collection = Collection(name=COLLECTION_NAME, schema=schema)
# Create an IVF_FLAT index for collection.
index_params = {
'params':{"nlist": 1024}
collection.create_index(field_name="original_question_embedding", index_params=index_params)
- 讀取資料、
- 嵌入原始問題,以及
- 將資料插入我們剛剛在 Milvus 上建立的資料集中。
# Set up a co:here client.
cohere_client = cohere.Client(COHERE_API_KEY)
# Extract embeddings from questions using Cohere
def embed(texts, input_type):
res = cohere_client.embed(texts, model='embed-multilingual-v3.0', input_type=input_type)
return res.embeddings
# Insert each question, answer, and qustion embedding
total = pandas.DataFrame()
for batch in tqdm(np.array_split(simplified_records, (COUNT/BATCH_SIZE) + 1)):
questions = batch['question'].tolist()
embeddings = embed(questions, "search_document")
data = [
'original_question': x,
'answer': batch['answer'].tolist()[i],
'original_question_embedding': embeddings[i]
} for i, x in enumerate(questions)
一旦所有資料都插入 Milvus 資料集中,我們就可以利用問題短語向系統發問,將其嵌入 Cohere 並使用資料集中進行搜尋。
# Search the cluster for an answer to a question text
def search(text, top_k = 5):
# AUTOINDEX does not require any search params
search_params = {}
results = collection.search(
data = embed([text], "search_query"), # Embeded the question
limit = top_k, # Limit to top_k results per search
output_fields=['original_question', 'answer'] # Include the original question and answer in the result
distances = results[0].distances
entities = [ x.entity.to_dict()['entity'] for x in results[0] ]
ret = [ {
"answer": x[1]["answer"],
"distance": x[0],
"original_question": x[1]['original_question']
} for x in zip(distances, entities)]
return ret
# Ask these questions
search_questions = ['What kills bacteria?', 'What\'s the biggest dog?']
# Print out the results in order of [answer, similarity score, original question]
ret = [ { "question": x, "candidates": search(x) } for x in search_questions ]
# Output
# [
# {
# "question": "What kills bacteria?",
# "candidates": [
# {
# "answer": "farming",
# "distance": 0.6261022090911865,
# "original_question": "What makes bacteria resistant to antibiotic treatment?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "Phage therapy",
# "distance": 0.6093736886978149,
# "original_question": "What has been talked about to treat resistant bacteria?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "oral contraceptives",
# "distance": 0.5902313590049744,
# "original_question": "In therapy, what does the antibacterial interact with?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "slowing down the multiplication of bacteria or killing the bacteria",
# "distance": 0.5874154567718506,
# "original_question": "How do antibiotics work?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "in intensive farming to promote animal growth",
# "distance": 0.5667208433151245,
# "original_question": "Besides in treating human disease where else are antibiotics used?"
# }
# ]
# },
# {
# "question": "What's the biggest dog?",
# "candidates": [
# {
# "answer": "English Mastiff",
# "distance": 0.7875324487686157,
# "original_question": "What breed was the largest dog known to have lived?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "forest elephants",
# "distance": 0.5886962413787842,
# "original_question": "What large animals reside in the national park?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "Rico",
# "distance": 0.5634892582893372,
# "original_question": "What is the name of the dog that could ID over 200 things?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race",
# "distance": 0.546872615814209,
# "original_question": "Which dog-sled race in Alaska is the most famous?"
# },
# {
# "answer": "part of the family",
# "distance": 0.5387814044952393,
# "original_question": "Most people today describe their dogs as what?"
# }
# ]
# }
# ]