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Movie Search Using Milvus and SentenceTransformers

In this example, we will search movie plot summaries using Milvus and the SentenceTransformers library. The dataset we will use is Wikipedia Movie Plots with Summaries hosted on HuggingFace.

Let’s get started!

Required Libraries

For this example, we will use pymilvus to connect to use Milvus, sentence-transformers to generate vector embeddings, and datasets to download the example dataset.

pip install pymilvus sentence-transformers datasets tqdm
from datasets import load_dataset
from pymilvus import MilvusClient
from pymilvus import FieldSchema, CollectionSchema, DataType
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from tqdm import tqdm

We’ll define some global parameters,

embedding_dim = 384
collection_name = "movie_embeddings"

Downloading and Opening the Dataset

In a single line, datasets allows us to download and open a dataset. The library will cache the dataset locally and use that copy next time it is run. Each row contains the details of a movie that has an accompanying Wikipedia article. We make use of the Title, PlotSummary, Release Year, and Origin/Ethnicity columns.

ds = load_dataset("vishnupriyavr/wiki-movie-plots-with-summaries", split="train")

Connecting to the Database

At this point, we are going to begin setting up Milvus. The steps are as follows:

  1. Create a Milvus Lite database in a local file. (Replace this URI to the server address for Milvus Standalone and Milvus Distributed.)
client = MilvusClient(uri="./sentence_transformers_example.db")
  1. Create the data schema. This specifies the fields that comprise an element including the dimension of the vector embedding.
fields = [
    FieldSchema(name="id", dtype=DataType.INT64, is_primary=True, auto_id=True),
    FieldSchema(name="title", dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, max_length=256),
    FieldSchema(name="embedding", dtype=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=embedding_dim),
    FieldSchema(name="year", dtype=DataType.INT64),
    FieldSchema(name="origin", dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, max_length=64),

schema = CollectionSchema(fields=fields, enable_dynamic_field=False)
client.create_collection(collection_name=collection_name, schema=schema)
  1. Define the vector search indexing algorithm. Milvus Lite support FLAT index type, whereas Milvus Standalone and Milvus Distributed implement a wide variety of methods such as IVF, HNSW and DiskANN. For the small scale of data in this demo, any search index type suffices so we use the simplest one FLAT here.
index_params = client.prepare_index_params()
index_params.add_index(field_name="embedding", index_type="FLAT", metric_type="IP")
client.create_index(collection_name, index_params)

Once these steps are done, we are ready to insert data into the collection and perform a search. Any data added will be indexed automatically and be available to search immediately. If the data is very fresh, the search might be slower as brute force searching will be used on data that is still in process of getting indexed.

Inserting the Data

For this example, we are going to use the SentenceTransformers miniLM model to create embeddings of the plot text. This model returns 384-dimension embeddings.

model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L12-v2")

We loop over the rows of the data, embed the plot summary field, and insert entities into the vector database. In general, you should perform this step over batches of data items to maximize CPU or GPU throughput for the embedding model, as we do here.

for batch in tqdm(ds.batch(batch_size=512)):
    embeddings = model.encode(batch["PlotSummary"])
    data = [
        {"title": title, "embedding": embedding, "year": year, "origin": origin}
        for title, embedding, year, origin in zip(
            batch["Title"], embeddings, batch["Release Year"], batch["Origin/Ethnicity"]
    res = client.insert(collection_name=collection_name, data=data)

The above operation is relatively time-consuming because embedding takes time. This step takes around 2 minutes using the CPU on a 2023 MacBook Pro and will be much faster with dedicated GPUs. Take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee!

With all the data inserted into Milvus, we can start performing our searches. In this example, we are going to search for movies based on plot summaries from Wikipedia. Because we are doing a batch search, the search time is shared across the movie searches. (Can you guess what movie I had in mind to retrieve based on the query description text?)

queries = [
    'A shark terrorizes an LA beach.',
    'An archaeologist searches for ancient artifacts while fighting Nazis.',
    'Teenagers in detention learn about themselves.',
    'A teenager fakes illness to get off school and have adventures with two friends.',
    'A young couple with a kid look after a hotel during winter and the husband goes insane.',
    'Four turtles fight bad guys.'

# Search the database based on input text
def embed_query(data):
    vectors = model.encode(data)
    return [x for x in vectors]

query_vectors = embed_query(queries)

res = client.search(
    filter='origin == "American" and year > 1945 and year < 2000',

for idx, hits in enumerate(res):
    print("Query:", queries[idx])
    for hit in hits:
        print(hit["entity"].get("title"), "(", round(hit["distance"], 2), ")")

The results are:

Query: An archaeologist searches for ancient artifacts while fighting Nazis.
Love Slaves of the Amazons ( 0.4 )
A Time to Love and a Time to Die ( 0.39 )
The Fifth Element ( 0.39 )

Query: Teenagers in detention learn about themselves.
The Breakfast Club ( 0.54 )
Up the Academy ( 0.46 )
Fame ( 0.43 )

Query: A teenager fakes illness to get off school and have adventures with two friends.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off ( 0.48 )
Fever Lake ( 0.47 )
Losin' It ( 0.39 )

Query: A young couple with a kid look after a hotel during winter and the husband goes insane.
The Shining ( 0.48 )
The Four Seasons ( 0.42 )
Highball ( 0.41 )

Query: Four turtles fight bad guys.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze ( 0.47 )
Devil May Hare ( 0.43 )
Attack of the Giant Leeches ( 0.42 )

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