Creates an index.
await collection.CreateIndexAsync(fieldName, indexType = null, metricType = null, indexName = null, extraParams = null, cancellationToken = default);
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
fieldName | The name of the field in the collection for which the index will be created. | string | True |
indexType | The type of the index to be created. | IndexType? | False |
metricType | Method used to measure the distance between vectors during search. | SimilarityMetricType? | False |
indexName | An optional name for the index to be created. | string? | False |
extraParams | Extra parameters specific to each index type; consult the documentation for your index type for more details. | IDictionary<string, string>? | False |
cancellationToken | The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is CancellationToken.None . | CancellationToken | False |
This method does not return any value.