  • Administration Guide

Upgrade Milvus Standalone with Milvus Operator

This guide describes how to upgrade your Milvus standalone with Milvus operator.

Upgrade your Milvus operator

Run the following command to upgrade the version of your Milvus operator to v0.9.12.

helm repo add zilliztech-milvus-operator
helm repo update zilliztech-milvus-operator
helm -n milvus-operator upgrade milvus-operator zilliztech-milvus-operator/milvus-operator

Once you have upgraded your Milvus operator to the latest version, you have the following choices:

Conduct a rolling upgrade

Since Milvus 2.2.3, you can configure Milvus coordinators to work in active-standby mode and enable the rolling upgrade feature for them, so that Milvus can respond to incoming requests during the coordinator upgrades. In previous releases, coordinators are to be removed and then created during an upgrade, which may introduce certain downtime of the service.

Based on the rolling update capabilities provided by Kubernetes, the Milvus operator enforces an ordered update of the deployments according to their dependencies. In addition, Milvus implements a mechanism to ensure that its components remain compatible with those depending on them during the upgrade, significantly reducing potential service downtime.

The rolling upgrade feature is disabled by default. You need to explicitly enable it through a configuration file.

kind: Milvus
  name: my-release
    enableRollingUpdate: true
    imageUpdateMode: rollingUpgrade # Default value, can be omitted
    image: milvusdb/milvus:v2.3.21

In this above configuration file, set spec.components.enableRollingUpdate to true and set spec.components.image to the desired Milvus version.

By default, Milvus performs a rolling upgrade for coordinators in an ordered way, in which it replaces the coordinator pod images one after another. To reduce the upgrade time, consider setting spec.components.imageUpdateMode to all so that Milvus replaces all pod images at the same time.

kind: Milvus
  name: my-release
    enableRollingUpdate: true
    imageUpdateMode: all
    image: milvusdb/milvus:v2.3.21

You can set spec.components.imageUpdateMode to rollingDowngrade to have Milvus replace coordinator pod images with a lower version.

kind: Milvus
  name: my-release
    enableRollingUpdate: true
    imageUpdateMode: rollingDowngrade
    image: milvusdb/milvus:<some-older-version>

Then save your configuration as a YAML file (for example, milvusupgrade.yml) and apply this configuration file to your Milvus instance as follows:

kubectl apply -f milvusupgrade.yml

Upgrade Milvus by changing its image

In normal cases, you can simply update your Milvus to the latest by changing its image. However, note that there will be a certain downtime when upgrading Milvus in this way.

Compose a configuration file as follows and save it as milvusupgrade.yaml:

kind: Milvus
    name: my-release
    app: milvus
  # Omit other fields ...
   image: milvusdb/milvus:v2.3.21

Then run the following to perform the upgrade:

kubectl apply -f milvusupgrade.yaml

Migrate the metadata

Since Milvus 2.2.0, the metadata is incompatible with that in previous releases. The following example snippets assume an upgrade from Milvus 2.1.4 to Milvus v2.3.21.

1. Create a .yaml file for metadata migration

Create a metadata migration file. The following is an example. You need to specify the name, sourceVersion, and targetVersion in the configuration file. The following example sets the name to my-release-upgrade, sourceVersion to v2.1.4, and targetVersion to v2.3.21. This means that your Milvus instance will be upgraded from v2.1.4 to v2.3.21.

kind: MilvusUpgrade
  name: my-release-upgrade
    namespace: default
    name: my-release
  sourceVersion: "v2.1.4"
  targetVersion: "v2.3.21"
  # below are some omit default values:
  # targetImage: "milvusdb/milvus:v2.3.21"
  # toolImage: "milvusdb/meta-migration:v2.2.0"
  # operation: upgrade
  # rollbackIfFailed: true
  # backupPVC: ""
  # maxRetry: 3

2. Apply the new configuration

Run the following command to apply the new configuration.

$ kubectl apply -f

3. Check the status of metadata migration

Run the following command to check the status of your metadata migration.

kubectl describe milvus release-name

The status of ready in the output means that the metadata migration is successful.

Or, you can also run kubectl get pod to check all the pods. If all the pods are ready, the metadata migration is successful.

4. Delete my-release-upgrade

When the upgrade is successful, delete my-release-upgrade in the YAML file.