Create Resource Group
This operation creates a resource group. A Milvus instance begins with a default resource group that includes all available query nodes. You can create additional resource groups, reassign specific query nodes from the default group, and load collections into the query nodes in these newly configured groups. This operation always succeeds no matter whether the resource group exists.
The base URL for this API is in the following format:
export CLUSTER_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:19530"
The authentication token should be a pair of colon-joined username and password, like username:password
The name of the resource group to create.
The configurations of the resource group to create.
The number of query nodes to allocate to the resource group.
The number of query nodes to allocate to the resource group.
The maximum number of query nodes to allocate to the resource group.
The maximum number of query nodes to allocate to the resource group.
The list of source resource groups to transfer query nodes from.
A source resource group to transfer query nodes from.
The name of the source resource group to transfer query nodes from.
The list of target resource groups to transfer query nodes to.
A target resource group to transfer query nodes to.
The name of the target resource group to transfer query nodes to.
export TOKEN="root:Milvus"
curl --request POST \--url "${CLUSTER_ENDPOINT}/v2/vectordb/resource_groups/create" \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{ "name": "group1", "config": { "requests": { "node_num": 1 }, "limits": { "node_num": 10000 }, "transfer_from": [ { "resource_group": "default" } ], "transfer_to": [ { "resource_group": "default" } ] }}'
A success response
Response code.
Response payload which is an empty object.
Returns an error message.
Response code.
Error message.
{ "code": 0, "cost": 0, "data": {}}