Get Import Job Progress
This operation gets the progress of the specified bulk-import job.
The base URL for this API is in the following format:
export CLUSTER_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:19530"
The authentication token should be a pair of colon-joined username and password, like username:password
The name of the target database of this operation.
The ID of the bulk-import job of your interest. The Create Import Jobs operation usually returns a job ID. You can also call List Import Jobs to get the IDs of all bulk-import jobs related to the specific cluster.
curl --request POST \--url "${BASE_URL}/v2/vectordb/jobs/import/describe" \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{ "jobId": "job-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}'
Response code.
Response payload which contains the progress of the specified bulk-import job in detail.
The name of the target collection of this bulk-import job.
The timestamp indicating when the bulk-import job is complete.
Statistics on data import oriented to data files.
Statistics on data import from a file.
The timestamp at which the file is processed.
The name of a data file.
The size of the data file.
The progress in percentage.
The processing state of the data file.
The reason for the failure to bulk import data. This field stays empty if this job succeeds.
The number of rows imported from this file.
The number of rows in the specified collection upon the import from this file is complete.
The uploaded file size in bytes.
The ID of this bulk-import job.
The progress in percentage of the current bulk-import job.
The state of this bulk-import job.
The reason for the failure to bulk import data. The field value stays empty if this job succeeds.
The number of rows inserted into the specified collection upon this import.
The number of rows in the specified collection.
Returns an error message.
Response code.
Error message.
{ "code": 0, "data": { "jobId": "448761313698322011", "collectionName": "medium_articles", "fileName": "medium_articles_2020_dpr.json", "fileSize": 3279917, "state": "Completed", "progress": 100, "completeTime": "2024-04-01T06:17:55Z", "reason": "", "totalRows": 100000, "details": [ { "fileName": "medium_articles_2020_dpr.json", "fileSize": 3279917, "state": "Completed", "progress": 100, "completeTime": "2024-04-01T06:17:53Z", "reason": "" } ] }}