This operation deletes entities by their IDs or with a boolean expression.
The base URL for this API is in the following format:
export CLUSTER_ENDPOINT="http://localhost:19530"
The timeout duration for this operation. Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.
The authentication token should be a pair of colon-joined username and password, like username:password
The name of the target database.
The name of an existing collection.
A scalar filtering condition to filter matching entities. You can set this parameter to an empty string to skip scalar filtering. To build a scalar filtering condition, refer to Boolean Expression Rules.
The name of a partition in the current collection. If specified, the data is to be deleted from the specified partition.
export TOKEN="root:Milvus"
curl --request POST \--url "${CLUSTER_ENDPOINT}/v2/vectordb/entities/delete" \--header "Request-Timeout: 0" \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{ "collectionName": "medium_articles", "filter": "id == 4321034832910"}'
export TOKEN="root:Milvus"
curl --request POST \--url "${CLUSTER_ENDPOINT}/v2/vectordb/entities/delete" \--header "Request-Timeout: 0" \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{ "collectionName": "medium_articles", "filter": "reading_time > 15"}'
Response code.
Cost of this operation.
Response payload which is an empty object.
Returns an error message.
Response code.
Error message.
{ "code": 0, "cost": 0, "data": {}}