< Docs
  • Java


A MilvusClient interface. This method conducts an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search on a vector field with filters in the form of a boolean expression.

R<SearchResponse> search(SearchSimpleParam requestParam);


Use the SearchSimpleParam.Builder to construct a SearchSimpleParam object.

import io.milvus.param.highlevel.dml.SearchSimpleParam;
SearchSimpleParam.Builder builder = SearchSimpleParam.newBuilder();

Methods of SearchSimpleParam.Builder:

withCollectionName(String collectionName)Sets the name of the target collection.
The value cannot be empty or null.
collectionName: Name of the collection against which the search is conducted.
withOutputFields(List<String> outputFields)Sets the names of the fields to return. If this value is set, the search result contains the values of these fields.outputFields: Fields to include in the search result.
withFilter(String filter)Sets an expression to filter entities. For more information, refer to this doc.filter: A boolean expression to filter entities.
withVectors(List<?> vectors)Sets the query vector.
The maximum number of vectors to include in a search should be less than 16384.
  • If the vector field holds float vectors, the type of vectors should be List<List<Float>>.
  • If the vector field holds binary vectors, the type of vectors should be List<ByteBuffer>.
withOffset(Long offset)Sets a position prior to which entities are to ignore in the search.offset: A position prior to which entities are to ignore.
withLimit(Long limit)Sets the number or entities to return.
The value should be 0 or a positive integer.
The value defaults to 10, indicates that 10 results are to return if not specified.
limit: Number of entities to return.
withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevelEnum consistencyLevel)Sets the consistency level of the collection to search against. If not specified, the default consistency level is to be used. For details, please refer to ConsistencyLevelEnum in Misc.consistencyLevel: The consistency level of the collection to search against.
build()Constructs a SearchSimpleParam object.N/A

The can throw the following exceptions:

  • ParamException is raised if the parameter is invalid.


This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<SearchResponse> object.

  • If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.
  • If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns R.Status.Unknow and the error message of the exception.
  • If the API succeeds, it returns valid SearchResponse held by the R template.


import io.milvus.param.*;
import io.milvus.response.SearchResultsWrapper;
import io.milvus.grpc.SearchResults;

SearchSimpleParam param = SearchSimpleParam.newBuilder()
R<SearchResponse> response =
if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {

for (QueryResultsWrapper.RowRecord rowRecord : response.getData().getRowRecords()) {

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