Index Scalar Fields
In Milvus, a scalar index is used to speed up metafiltering by a specific non-vector field value, similar to a traditional database index. This guide will walk you through creating and configuring scalar indexes for fields such as integers, strings, etc.
Types of scalar indexing
Auto indexing: Milvus automatically decides the index type based on the data type of the scalar field. This is suitable when you do not need to control the specific index type.
Custom indexing: You specify the exact index type, such as an inverted index or bitmap index. This provides more control over the index type selection.
Auto indexing
To use auto indexing, omit the index_type parameter in add_index()
, so that Milvus can infer the index type based on the scalar field type.
To use auto indexing, omit the indexType parameter in IndexParam
, so that Milvus can infer the index type based on the scalar field type.
To use auto indexing, omit the index_type parameter in createIndex()
, so that Milvus can infer the index type based on the scalar field type.
For mappings between scalar data types and default indexing algorithms, refer to Scalar field indexing algorithms.
# Auto indexing
client = MilvusClient(
index_params = MilvusClient.prepare_index_params() # Prepare an empty IndexParams object, without having to specify any index parameters
field_name="scalar_1", # Name of the scalar field to be indexed
index_type="", # Type of index to be created. For auto indexing, leave it empty or omit this parameter.
index_name="default_index" # Name of the index to be created
collection_name="test_scalar_index", # Specify the collection name
import io.milvus.v2.common.IndexParam;
import io.milvus.v2.service.index.request.CreateIndexReq;
IndexParam indexParamForScalarField = IndexParam.builder()
.fieldName("scalar_1") // Name of the scalar field to be indexed
.indexName("default_index") // Name of the index to be created
.indexType("") // Type of index to be created. For auto indexing, leave it empty or omit this parameter.
List<IndexParam> indexParams = new ArrayList<>();
CreateIndexReq createIndexReq = CreateIndexReq.builder()
.collectionName("test_scalar_index") // Specify the collection name
await client.createIndex({
collection_name: "test_scalar_index", // Specify the collection name
field_name: "scalar_1", // Name of the scalar field to be indexed
index_name: "default_index", // Name of the index to be created
index_type: "" // Type of index to be created. For auto indexing, leave it empty or omit this parameter.
Custom indexing
To use custom indexing, specify a particular index type using the index_type parameter in add_index()
To use custom indexing, specify a particular index type using the indexType parameter in IndexParam
To use custom indexing, specify a particular index type using the index_type parameter in createIndex()
The example below creates an inverted index for the scalar field scalar_2
index_params = MilvusClient.prepare_index_params() # Prepare an IndexParams object
field_name="scalar_2", # Name of the scalar field to be indexed
index_type="INVERTED", # Type of index to be created
index_name="inverted_index" # Name of the index to be created
collection_name="test_scalar_index", # Specify the collection name
import io.milvus.v2.common.IndexParam;
import io.milvus.v2.service.index.request.CreateIndexReq;
IndexParam indexParamForScalarField = IndexParam.builder()
.fieldName("scalar_1") // Name of the scalar field to be indexed
.indexName("inverted_index") // Name of the index to be created
.indexType("INVERTED") // Type of index to be created
List<IndexParam> indexParams = new ArrayList<>();
CreateIndexReq createIndexReq = CreateIndexReq.builder()
.collectionName("test_scalar_index") // Specify the collection name
await client.createIndex({
collection_name: "test_scalar_index", // Specify the collection name
field_name: "scalar_1", // Name of the scalar field to be indexed
index_name: "inverted_index", // Name of the index to be created
index_type: "INVERTED" // Type of index to be created
Methods and Parameters
Prepares an IndexParams object.
Adds index configurations to the IndexParams object.
field_name (string)
The name of the scalar field to index.
index_type (string):
The type of the scalar index to create. For implicit indexing, leave it empty or omit this parameter.
For custom indexing, valid values are:
INVERTED: (Recommended) An inverted index consists of a term dictionary containing all tokenized words sorted alphabetically. For details, refer to Scalar Index.
BITMAP: An index type that stores a bitmap of all unique values in a field. For details, refer to BITMAP.
STL_SORT: Sorts scalar fields using the standard template library sort algorithm. Only supports numeric fields (e.g., INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE).
Trie: A tree data structure for fast prefix searches and retrievals. Supports VARCHAR fields.
index_name (string)
The name of the scalar index to create. Each scalar field supports one index.
Creates the index in the specified collection.
collection_name (string)
The name of the collection for which the index is created.
The IndexParams object that contains index configurations.
Methods and Parameters
- IndexParam
Prepares an IndexParam object.
- fieldName (String) The name of the scalar field to index.
- indexName (String) The name of the scalar index to create. Each scalar field supports one index.
- indexType (String)
The type of the scalar index to create. For implicit indexing, leave it empty or omit this parameter.
For custom indexing, valid values are:
- INVERTED: (Recommended) An inverted index consists of a term dictionary containing all tokenized words sorted alphabetically. For details, refer to Scalar Index.
- STL_SORT: Sorts scalar fields using the standard template library sort algorithm. Supports Boolean and numeric fields (e.g., INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE).
- Trie: A tree data structure for fast prefix searches and retrievals. Supports VARCHAR fields.
- CreateIndexReq
Creates the index in the specified collection.
- collectionName (String) The name of the collection for which the index is created.
- indexParams (List
) A list of IndexParam objects that contain index configurations.
Methods and Parameters
Creates the index in the specified collection.
- collection_name (string) The name of the collection for which the index is created.
- field_name (string) The name of the scalar field to index.
- index_name (string) The name of the scalar index to create. Each scalar field supports one index.
- index_type (string)
The type of the scalar index to create. For implicit indexing, leave it empty or omit this parameter.
For custom indexing, valid values are:
- INVERTED: (Recommended) An inverted index consists of a term dictionary containing all tokenized words sorted alphabetically. For details, refer to Scalar Index.
- STL_SORT: Sorts scalar fields using the standard template library sort algorithm. Supports Boolean and numeric fields (e.g., INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE).
- Trie: A tree data structure for fast prefix searches and retrievals. Supports VARCHAR fields.
Verifying the result
Use the list_indexes()
method to verify the creation of scalar indexes:
Use the listIndexes()
method to verify the creation of scalar indexes:
Use the listIndexes()
method to verify the creation of scalar indexes:
collection_name="test_scalar_index" # Specify the collection name
# Output:
# ['default_index','inverted_index']
import java.util.List;
import io.milvus.v2.service.index.request.ListIndexesReq;
ListIndexesReq listIndexesReq = ListIndexesReq.builder()
.collectionName("test_scalar_index") // Specify the collection name
List<String> indexNames = client.listIndexes(listIndexesReq);
// Output:
// [
// "default_index",
// "inverted_index"
// ]
res = await client.listIndexes({
collection_name: 'test_scalar_index'
// Output:
// [
// "default_index",
// "inverted_index"
// ]
- Currently, scalar indexing supports INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOL, VARCHAR, and ARRAY data types, but not the JSON data type.