  • Administration Guide

etcd-related Configurations

Related configuration of etcd, used to store Milvus metadata & service discovery.


Description Default Value
  • Endpoints used to access etcd service. You can change this parameter as the endpoints of your own etcd cluster.
  • Environment variable: ETCD_ENDPOINTS
  • etcd preferentially acquires valid address from environment variable ETCD_ENDPOINTS when Milvus is started.
  • localhost:2379


    Description Default Value
  • Root prefix of the key to where Milvus stores data in etcd.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • To share an etcd instance among multiple Milvus instances, consider changing this to a different value for each Milvus instance before you start them.
  • Set an easy-to-identify root path for Milvus if etcd service already exists.
  • Changing this for an already running Milvus instance may result in failures to read legacy data.
  • by-dev


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-prefix of the key to where Milvus stores metadata-related information in etcd.
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended to change this parameter before starting Milvus for the first time.
  • meta


    Description Default Value
  • Sub-prefix of the key to where Milvus stores timestamps in etcd.
  • Caution: Changing this parameter after using Milvus for a period of time will affect your access to old data.
  • It is recommended not to change this parameter if there is no specific reason.
  • kv


    Description Default Value
    Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'. info


    Description Default Value
  • path is one of:
  • - "default" as os.Stderr,
  • - "stderr" as os.Stderr,
  • - "stdout" as os.Stdout,
  • - file path to append server logs to.
  • please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/logs/etcd.log
  • stdout


    Description Default Value
    Whether to support ETCD secure connection mode false


    Description Default Value
    path to your cert file /path/to/etcd-client.pem


    Description Default Value
    path to your key file /path/to/etcd-client-key.pem


    Description Default Value
    path to your CACert file /path/to/ca.pem


    Description Default Value
  • TLS min version
  • Optional values: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3。
  • We recommend using version 1.2 and above.
  • 1.3


    Description Default Value
    Etcd operation timeout in milliseconds 10000


    Description Default Value
    Whether to enable embedded Etcd (an in-process EtcdServer). false

    Description Default Value
    Embedded Etcd only. please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/etcdData/ default.etcd


    Description Default Value
    Whether to enable authentication false


    Description Default Value
    username for etcd authentication


    Description Default Value
    password for etcd authentication