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This operation lists all bulk-insert tasks.

Request syntax

    limit: int = 0,
    collection_name: list[str] | None,
    timeout: float | None,
    using: str = "default",


  • limit (int) -

    The number of tasks to return.

    The value defaults to 0, indicating that no limit applies.

  • collection_name (list[str]) -

    A list of collection names.

    The value defaults to None, indicating that all collections are included.

  • using (str) -

    The alias of the employed connection.

    The default value is default, indicating that this operation employs the default connection.

  • timeout (float | None)

    The timeout duration for this operation. Setting this to None indicates that this operation timeouts when any response arrives or any error occurs.



RETURNS: A list of BulkInsertState objects.

├── BulkInsertState
│   ├── task_id 
│   ├── state 
│   ├── state_name   
│   ├── row_count
│   ├── progress
│   └── infos
│       ├── files
│       ├── collection
│       ├── partition
│       ├── failed_reason
│       ├── progress_percent
│       └── persist_cost
│   ├── ids
│   ├── id_ranges
│   ├── files
│   ├── create_timestamp
│   ├── create_time_str
│   └── collection_name
  • task_id (int)

    A task ID returned by the do_bulk_insert() function.

  • state (int)

    The state of the specified bulk_insert task in integers. Possible values are the following integers:

    • 0: Indicates that the task is in a pending state

    • 1: Indicates that the task failed.

    • 2: Indicates that the task has already started.

    • 5: Indicates that the data has been persisted.

    • 6: Indicates that the task has been completed.

    • 7: Indicates that the task failed and the data has been cleaned up.

    • 100: Indicates that the task is in an unknown state.

  • state_name (str)

    The state of the specified bulk_insert task in integers. Possible values are the following integers:

    • Pending: Indicates that the task is in a pending state

    • Failed: Indicates that the task failed.

    • Started: Indicates that the task has already started.

    • Persisted: Indicates that the data has been persisted.

    • Completed: Indicates that the task has been completed.

    • FailedAndCleaned: Indicates that the task failed and the data has been cleaned up.

    • Unknown: Indicates that the task is in an unknown state.

  • row_count (int)

    The number of entities inserted in the current bulk-insert task.

  • progress (int)

    The progress of the current bulk-insert task.

  • infos (dict)

    A dictionary containing information about the current bulk-insert task. Possible keys are as follows:

    • files (str)

      The names of the files involved in the current bulk-insert task in a comma-separated string.

    • collection (str)

      The name of the target collection.

    • partition (str)

      The name of the target partition.

    • failed_reason (str)

      The reason for any bulk-insert failures. If the task succeeds, this is an empty string.

    • progress_percent (str)

      The progress of the current bulk-insert task in percentage.

    • persist_cost (str)

      The persistence cost of the current bulk-insert task.

  • ids (list)

    The IDs of the inserted entities in a list.

  • id_ranges (_google._upb.message.RepeatedScalarContainer)

  • The ID of the inserted entities in a range.

  • files (str)

    The names of the files involved in the current bulk-insert task in a comma-separated string.

  • create_timestamp (int)

    The timestamp at which the current bulk-insert task has been created.

  • create_time_str (str)

    The timestamp at which the current bulk-insert task has been created, in a human-readable string.

  • collection_name (str)

    The name of the target collection.


  • MilvusException

    This exception will be raised when any error occurs during this operation.


from pymilvus import connections, utility

# Connect to localhost:19530

# List all bulk-insert tasks
res = utility.list_bulk_insert_tasks()

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