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< Docs
  • Java
    • v1
      • System


MilvusClient interface. This method gets the milvus kernel version.


This method works for open-source Milvus, but might not work for Zilliz Cloud.

R<GetVersionResponse> getVersion();


This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<CheckHealthResponse> object.

  • If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.

  • If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns R.Status.Unknown and error message of the exception.

  • If the API succeeds, it returns a valid GetVersionResponse held by the R template. You can use GetVersionResponse to get resource group information.


R<GetVersionResponse> response = client.getVersion();

if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
    throw new RuntimeException(response.getMessage());

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