A MilvusClient interface. This method lists all the collections or gets the collection loading status.
R<ShowCollectionsResponse> showCollections(ShowCollectionsParam requestParam);
Use the ShowCollectionsParam.Builder
to construct a ShowCollectionsParam
import io.milvus.param.ShowCollectionsParam;
ShowCollectionsParam.Builder builder = ShowCollectionsParam.newBuilder();
Methods of ShowCollectionsParam.Builder
Method | Description | Parameters |
withCollectionNames(List<String> collectionNames) | Sets a list of collection names. If the list is empty, the method will return all the collections in database. The collection name cannot be empty or null. | collectionNames : A list of the collection names to show. |
addCollectionName(String collectionName) | Adds a collection name. The collection name cannot be empty or null. | collectionName : The name of the collection to show. |
build() | Constructs a ShowCollectionsParam object. | N/A |
can throw the following exceptions:
: error if the parameter is invalid.
This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<ShowCollectionsResponse>
If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.
If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns
and the error message of the exception.If the API succeeds, it returns a valid
held by the R template. You can useShowCollResponseWrapper
to get the information.
A tool class to encapsulate the ShowCollectionsResponse
import io.milvus.response.ShowCollResponseWrapper;
ShowCollResponseWrapper wrapper = new ShowCollResponseWrapper(showCollectionsResponse);
Methods of ShowCollResponseWrapper
Method | Description | Parameters | Returns |
getCollectionsInfo() | Returns a list of CollectionInfo objects. Each CollectionInfo represents a collection. | N/A | List |
getCollectionInfoByName(String collectionName) | Gets a CollectionInfo object by collection name. | collectionName : Collection name. | CollectionInfo |
A tool class to store a collection’s information.
Methods of ShowCollResponseWrapper.CollectionInfo
Method | Description | Returns |
getName() | Gets the name of the collection. | String |
getId() | Gets the ID of the collection. | long |
getUtcTimestamp() | Gets a UTC timestamp that indicates when this collection is created. This method is for internal usage. | long |
getInMemoryPercentage() | Load percentage on query node. | long |
import io.milvus.param.*;
import io.milvus.response.GetCollStatResponseWrapper;
import io.milvus.grpc.GetCollectionStatisticsResponse;
GetCollectionStatisticsParam param = GetCollectionStatisticsParam.newBuilder()
R<GetCollectionStatisticsResponse> response = client.getCollectionStatistics(param);
if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {
GetCollStatResponseWrapper wrapper = new GetCollStatResponseWrapper(response.getData());
System.out.println("Row count: " + wrapper.getRowCount());