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Index Parameter Range

Searching with most indexes that Milvus supported requires specifying construction and search parameters. Listed below are the type and ranges of these parameters.

Index Type Const. Param & Range Search Param & Range Note
Flat entity.Flat N/A N/A No parameter is required for search with Flat.
BinFlat entity.BinFlat nlist∈[1, 65536] nprobe∈[1, nlist]  
IvfFlat entity.IvfFlat nlist∈[1, 65536] nprobe∈[1, nlist]  
BinIvfFlat entity.BinIvfFlat nlist∈[1, 65536] nprobe∈[1, nlist] BinIvfFlat will be supported in upcoming version of Milvus.
IvfSQ8 entity.IvfSQ8 nlist∈[1, 65536] nprobe∈[1, nlist]  
IvfSQ8H entity.IvfSQ8H nlist∈[1, 65536] nprobe∈[1, nlist]  
IvfPQ entity.IvfPQ nlist∈[1, 65536]
m dim===0 (mod self)
nbits∈[1, 16]
nprobe∈[1, nlist]  
RNSG entity.NSG out_degree∈[5, 300]
candidate_pool_size∈[50, 1000]
search_length∈[10, 300]
knng∈[5, 300]
search_length∈[10, 300]  
HNSW entity.HNSW M∈[4, 64]
efConstruction∈[8, 512]
ef∈[topK, 32768]  
RHNSWFlat entity.RHNSWFlat M∈[4, 64]
efConstruction∈[8, 512]
ef∈[topK, 32768]  
RHNSW_PQ entity.RHNSW_PQ M∈[4, 64]
efConstruction∈[8, 512]
PQM dim===0 (mod self)
ef∈[topK, 32768]  
RHNSW_SQ entity.RHNSWSQ M∈[4, 64]
efConstruction∈[8, 512]
ef∈[topK, 32768]  
IvfHNSW entity.IvfHNSW nlist∈[1, 65536]
M∈[4, 64]
efConstruction∈[8, 512]
nprobe∈[1, nlist]
ef∈[topK, 32768]
ANNOY entity.ANNOY n_trees∈[1, 1024] search_k∈-1 or [topk, n * n_trees]  
NGTPANNG entity.NGTPANNG edge_size∈[1, 200]
forcedly_pruned_edge_size∈[selectively_pruned_edge_size + 1, 200]
selectively_pruned_edge_size∈[1, forcedly_pruned_edge_size -1 ]
max_search_edges∈[-1, 200]
epsilon∈[-1.0, 1.0]
Search parameter epsilon type is float64.
NGTONNG entity.NGTONNG edge_size∈[1, 200]
outgoing_edge_size∈[1, 200]
incoming_edge_size∈[1, 200]
max_search_edges∈[-1, 200]
epsilon∈[-1.0, 1.0]
Search parameter epsilon type is float64.

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