Polls Milvus for loading progress of a collection until it is fully loaded.
To perform a single progress check, use GetLoadingProgressAsync
await collection.WaitForCollectionLoadAsync(partitionNames = null, waitingInterval = null, timeout = null, progress = null, cancellationToken = default);
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
partitionNames | An optional list of partition names for which to check the loading progress. | IReadOnlyList<string>? | False |
waitingInterval | Waiting interval. Defaults to 500 milliseconds. | TimeSpan? | False |
timeout | How long to poll for before throwing a TimeoutException . | TimeSpan? | False |
progress | Provides information about the progress of the loading operation. | IProgress<long>? | False |
cancellationToken | The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is CancellationToken.None . | CancellationToken | False |
This method does not return any value.