🚀 免費嘗試 Zilliz Cloud,完全托管的 Milvus,體驗速度提升 10 倍!立即嘗試

  • 工具


本指南將教您如何使用 Birdwatcher 檢查 Milvus 的狀態並進行配置。


Birdwatcher 是一個命令列工具,您可以如下方式啟動它:



Offline >

連接至 etcd

在進行其他操作之前,您需要使用 Birdwatcher 連線至 etcd。

  • 使用預設設定連接

    Offline > connect
    Milvus(by-dev) >
  • 從 Pod 中的 Birdwatcher 連線

    如果您選擇在 Kubernetes pod 中執行 Birdwatcher,您需要先取得 etcd 的 IP 位址,如下所示:

    kubectl get pod my-release-etcd-0 -o 'jsonpath={.status.podIP}'

    然後存取 pod 的 shell。

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty birdwatcher-7f48547ddc-zcbxj -- /bin/sh

    最後,使用傳回的 IP 位址連接 etcd,如下所示:

    Offline > connect --etcd ${ETCD_IP_ADDR}:2379
  • 使用不同的根目錄進行連接

    如果您的 Milvus 的根路徑與by-dev 不同,並且提示您報告錯誤的根路徑,您可以按以下方式連線到 etcd:

    Offline > connect --rootPath my-release
    Milvus(my-release) >

    如果您不知道您的 Milvus 的根目錄,請按以下方式連線到 etcd:

    Offline > connect --dry
    using dry mode, ignore rootPath and metaPath
    Etcd( > find-milvus
    1 candidates found:
    Etcd( > use my-release
    Milvus(my-release) >

檢查 Milvus 狀態

您可以使用show 命令檢查 Milvus 狀態。

Milvus(my-release) > show -h
   show [command]

Available Commands:
  alias               list alias meta info
  channel-watch       display channel watching info from data coord meta store
  checkpoint          list checkpoint collection vchannels
  collection-history  display collection change history
  collection-loaded   display information of loaded collection from querycoord
  collections         list current available collection from RootCoord
  config-etcd         list configuations set by etcd source
  configurations      iterate all online components and inspect configuration
  database            display Database info from rootcoord meta
  partition           list partitions of provided collection
  querycoord-channel  display querynode information from querycoord cluster
  querycoord-cluster  display querynode information from querycoord cluster
  querycoord-task     display task information from querycoord
  replica             list current replica information from QueryCoord
  segment             display segment information from data coord meta store
  segment-index       display segment index information
  segment-loaded      display segment information from querycoordv1 meta
  segment-loaded-grpc list segments loaded information
  session             list online milvus components

  -h, --help   help for show

Use " show [command] --help" for more information about a command.


列出與 Milvus 不同元件相關的 session:

Milvus(by-dev) > show session
Session:datacoord, ServerID: 3, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:datanode, ServerID: 6, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:indexcoord, ServerID: 4, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:indexnode, ServerID: 5, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:proxy, ServerID: 8, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:querycoord, ServerID: 7, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:querynode, ServerID: 2, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:rootcoord, ServerID: 1, Version: 2.2.11, Address:

在命令輸出中,由show session 列出的每個會話項目對應於目前活動並已在etcd 中註冊的節點或服務。



  • 列出資料庫


    Milvus(by-dev) > show database
    ID: 1   Name: default
    TenantID:        State: DatabaseCreated
    --- Total Database(s): 1
  • 列出集合


    Milvus(by-dev) > show collections
    DBID: 1
    Collection ID: 443407225551410746       Collection Name: medium_articles_2020
    Collection State: CollectionCreated     Create Time: 2023-08-08 09:27:08
    - Field ID: 0   Field Name: RowID       Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 1   Field Name: Timestamp   Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 100         Field Name: id          Field Type: Int64
            - Primary Key: true, AutoID: false
    - Field ID: 101         Field Name: title       Field Type: VarChar
            - Type Param max_length: 512
    - Field ID: 102         Field Name: title_vector        Field Type: FloatVector
            - Type Param dim: 768
    - Field ID: 103         Field Name: link        Field Type: VarChar
            - Type Param max_length: 512
    - Field ID: 104         Field Name: reading_time        Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 105         Field Name: publication         Field Type: VarChar
            - Type Param max_length: 512
    - Field ID: 106         Field Name: claps       Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 107         Field Name: responses   Field Type: Int64
    Enable Dynamic Schema: false
    Consistency Level: Bounded
    Start position for channel by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0(by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0): [1 0 28 175 133 76 39 6]
    --- Total collections:  1        Matched collections:  1
    --- Total channel: 1     Healthy collections: 1
  • 檢視特定的收藏集

    您可以透過指定 ID 檢視特定的收藏集。

    Milvus(by-dev) > show collection-history --id 443407225551410746
    DBID: 1
    Collection ID: 443407225551410746       Collection Name: medium_articles_2020
    Collection State: CollectionCreated     Create Time: 2023-08-08 09:27:08
    - Field ID: 0   Field Name: RowID       Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 1   Field Name: Timestamp   Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 100         Field Name: id          Field Type: Int64
            - Primary Key: true, AutoID: false
    - Field ID: 101         Field Name: title       Field Type: VarChar
            - Type Param max_length: 512
    - Field ID: 102         Field Name: title_vector        Field Type: FloatVector
            - Type Param dim: 768
    - Field ID: 103         Field Name: link        Field Type: VarChar
            - Type Param max_length: 512
    - Field ID: 104         Field Name: reading_time        Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 105         Field Name: publication         Field Type: VarChar
            - Type Param max_length: 512
    - Field ID: 106         Field Name: claps       Field Type: Int64
    - Field ID: 107         Field Name: responses   Field Type: Int64
    Enable Dynamic Schema: false
    Consistency Level: Bounded
    Start position for channel by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0(by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0): [1 0 28 175 133 76 39 6]
  • 檢視所有載入的收藏集

    您可以讓 Birdwatcher 過濾所有已載入的收藏集。

    Milvus(by-dev) > show collection-loaded
    Version: [>= 2.2.0]     CollectionID: 443407225551410746
    ReplicaNumber: 1        LoadStatus: Loaded
    --- Collections Loaded: 1
  • 列出集合的所有頻道檢查點

    您可以讓 Birdwatcher 列出特定集合的所有檢查點。

    Milvus(by-dev) > show checkpoint --collection 443407225551410746
    vchannel by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0 seek to 2023-08-08 09:36:09.54 +0000 UTC, cp channel: by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0, Source: Channel Checkpoint



Milvus(by-dev) > show index
Index ID: 443407225551410801    Index Name: _default_idx_102    CollectionID:443407225551410746
Create Time: 2023-08-08 09:27:19.139 +0000      Deleted: false
Index Type: HNSW        Metric Type: L2
Index Params: 



Milvus(by-dev) > show partition --collection 443407225551410746
Parition ID: 443407225551410747 Name: _default  State: PartitionCreated
--- Total Database(s): 1



Milvus(by-dev) > show channel-watch
key: by-dev/meta/channelwatch/6/by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0
Channel Name:by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0         WatchState: WatchSuccess
Channel Watch start from: 2023-08-08 09:27:09 +0000, timeout at: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
Start Position ID: [1 0 28 175 133 76 39 6], time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
Unflushed segments: []
Flushed segments: []
Dropped segments: []
--- Total Channels: 1


  • 列出所有副本


    Milvus(by-dev) > show replica
    ReplicaID: 443407225685278721 CollectionID: 443407225551410746 version:>=2.2.0
    All Nodes:[2]
  • 列出所有區段


    SegmentID: 443407225551610865 State: Flushed, Row Count:5979
    --- Growing: 0, Sealed: 0, Flushed: 1
    --- Total Segments: 1, row count: 5979

    執行以下指令,詳細列出所有載入的區段。對於 Milvus 2.1.x,請使用show segment-loaded 代替。

    Milvus(by-dev) > show segment-loaded-grpc
    ServerID 2
    Channel by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0, collection: 443407225551410746, version 1691486840680656937
    Leader view for channel: by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0
    Growing segments number: 0 , ids: []
    SegmentID: 443407225551610865 CollectionID: 443407225551410746 Channel: by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_443407225551410746v0
    Sealed segments number: 1    


您可以讓 Birdwatcher 列出每個 Milvus 元件的目前配置。

Milvus(by-dev) > show configurations
client nil Session:proxy, ServerID: 8, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Component rootcoord-1
rootcoord.importtaskexpiration: 900
rootcoord.enableactivestandby: false
rootcoord.importtaskretention: 86400
rootcoord.maxpartitionnum: 4096
rootcoord.dmlchannelnum: 16
rootcoord.minsegmentsizetoenableindex: 1024
rootcoord.port: 53100
rootcoord.address: localhost
rootcoord.maxdatabasenum: 64
Component datacoord-3
querynode.gracefulstoptimeout: 30
querynode.cache.enabled: true
querynode.cache.memorylimit: 2147483648
querynode.scheduler.maxreadconcurrentratio: 2

或者,您可以訪問每個 Milvus 元件來查找其配置。下面演示如何列出 ID 為 7 的 QueryCoord 的配置。

Milvus(by-dev) > show session
Session:datacoord, ServerID: 3, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:datanode, ServerID: 6, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:indexcoord, ServerID: 4, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:indexnode, ServerID: 5, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:proxy, ServerID: 8, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:querycoord, ServerID: 7, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:querynode, ServerID: 2, Version: 2.2.11, Address:
Session:rootcoord, ServerID: 1, Version: 2.2.11, Address:

Milvus(by-dev) > visit querycoord 7
QueryCoord-7( > configuration
Key: querycoord.enableactivestandby, Value: false
Key: querycoord.channeltasktimeout, Value: 60000
Key: querycoord.overloadedmemorythresholdpercentage, Value: 90
Key: querycoord.distpullinterval, Value: 500
Key: querycoord.checkinterval, Value: 10000
Key: querycoord.checkhandoffinterval, Value: 5000
Key: querycoord.taskexecutioncap, Value: 256
Key: querycoord.taskmergecap, Value: 8
Key: querycoord.autohandoff, Value: true
Key: querycoord.address, Value: localhost
Key: querycoord.port, Value: 19531
Key: querycoord.memoryusagemaxdifferencepercentage, Value: 30
Key: querycoord.refreshtargetsintervalseconds, Value: 300
Key: querycoord.balanceintervalseconds, Value: 60
Key: querycoord.loadtimeoutseconds, Value: 1800
Key: querycoord.globalrowcountfactor, Value: 0.1
Key: querycoord.scoreunbalancetolerationfactor, Value: 0.05
Key: querycoord.reverseunbalancetolerationfactor, Value: 1.3
Key: querycoord.balancer, Value: ScoreBasedBalancer
Key: querycoord.autobalance, Value: true
Key: querycoord.segmenttasktimeout, Value: 120000


您可以讓 Birdwatcher 備份所有元件的度量值。

Milvus(my-release) > backup
Backing up ... 100%(2452/2451)
backup etcd for prefix  done
backup for prefix done, stored in file: bw_etcd_ALL.230810-075211.bak.gz

然後您可以在啟動 Birdwatcher 的目錄中檢查該檔案。


您可以讓 Birdwatcher 用指定的主索引鍵或模擬查詢探查已載入集合的狀態。


probe 命令中,應使用pk 標誌指定主索引鍵,並使用collection 標誌指定集合 ID。

Milvus(by-dev) > probe pk --pk 110 --collection 442844725212299747
PK 110 found on segment 442844725212299830
Field id, value: &{long_data:<data:110 > }
Field title, value: &{string_data:<data:"Human Resources Datafication" > }
Field title_vector, value: &{dim:768 float_vector:<data:0.022454707 data:0.007861045 data:0.0063843643 data:0.024065714 data:0.013782166 data:0.018483251 data:-0.026526336 ... data:-0.06579628 data:0.00033906146 data:0.030992996 data:-0.028134001 data:-0.01311325 data:0.012471594 > }
Field article_meta, value: &{json_data:<data:"{\"link\":\"https:\\/\\/towardsdatascience.com\\/human-resources-datafication-d44c8f7cb365\",\"reading_time\":6,\"publication\":\"Towards Data Science\",\"claps\":256,\"responses\":0}" > }


您也可以讓 Birdwatcher 使用模擬查詢探查所有集合。

Milvus(by-dev) > probe query
probing collection 442682158191982314
Found vector field vector(103) with dim[384], indexID: 442682158191990455
failed to generated mock request probing index type IVF_FLAT not supported yet
probing collection 442844725212086932
Found vector field title_vector(102) with dim[768], indexID: 442844725212086936
Shard my-release-rootcoord-dml_1_442844725212086932v0 leader[298] probe with search success.
probing collection 442844725212299747
Found vector field title_vector(102) with dim[768], indexID: 442844725212299751
Shard my-release-rootcoord-dml_4_442844725212299747v0 leader[298] probe with search success.
probing collection 443294505839900248
Found vector field vector(101) with dim[256], indexID: 443294505839900251
Shard my-release-rootcoord-dml_5_443294505839900248v0 leader[298] probe with search success.

免費嘗試托管的 Milvus

Zilliz Cloud 無縫接入,由 Milvus 提供動力,速度提升 10 倍。

